查看全文    HTML 青海黄土丘陵区金露梅灌丛生物量的研究
Study on the biomass of Potentilla fruticosa forest in Qinghai loess hilly region
中文关键词: 金露梅  生物量  覆盖度  气候  含水率
英文关键词: Potentilla fruticosa  biomass  coverage  climate  moisture content
赵串串,刘龙,杨晶晶,董旭 陕西科技大学资源与环境学院青海省林业调查规划院 
摘要点击次数: 1504
全文下载次数: 551
      通过平均生物量法和标准丛法,选择青海省黄土丘陵区进行金露梅生物量及其相关因子研究。该区生物量变幅为1608.9~26 114.7 kg/hm2,平均值为6766.4 kg/hm2,地上部分占37.16%~69.40%,地下部分占30.60%~62.84%,地上生物量与地下生物量呈较高的相关性,整丛含水率为33.83%~45.35%,平均值为40.59%;金露梅生物量的大小由其覆盖度、地径、冠幅、树高等因素决定;气候对其生物量具有一定影响,其中降水、蒸发量的共同作用对生物量影响最大;金露梅生物量与其伴生草本覆盖度呈负相关关系。
      Based on the harvesting of standard trees in sample plots, an experiment was conducted to study the biomass and its correlation factor of Potentilla fruticosa forest in loess hilly region of Qinghai province. The results showed that its biomass ranged from 1608.9 to 26114.7 kg/hm2 in this area and the average biomass is 6766.4 kg/hm2. The ration of the biomass of above ground parts ranged from 37.16% to 69.40%, and the others ranged from 30.60% to 62.84%. It was observed that there was positive correlation between the biomass of above ground parts and the biomass of underground parts. The moisture content of the whole plant ranged from 33.83% to 45.35% and the average moisture content was 40.59%. There was a synergistic phenomenon between its biomass and its coverage, basal diameter, crown width and height. The biomass was affected with the both effection of precipitation and evaporation. The biomass was in negative correlation to the herbaceous coverage.
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