查看全文    HTML 多花木兰人工生态恢复群落多样性研究
Study on the diversity of Magnolia multiflora manmade plants community for ecological restoration
中文关键词: 生态恢复  多样性  多花木兰  人工植物群落  常吉高速
英文关键词: ecological restoration  diversity  Magnolia multiflora  manmade plants community  Changde to Jishou expressway
廖秋林,李永芳,沈守云 中南林业科技大学风景园林学院 
摘要点击次数: 1407
全文下载次数: 690
      为了解常吉高速公路边坡多花木兰人工生态恢复植物群落的物种多样性,设置30个样方进行实地调查,计算物种出现频率,对植物多度进行分级,并运用Shannor-Wiener 指数、Simpson指数、Pielou 均匀度指数进行分析。结果表明,群落中出现17 种植物,隶属于9 科17属;出现频率居于前4位的是多花木兰、葫芦藓、白茅、刺槐袁其频率分别为1.0、0.9、0.8、0.67;植物多度等级最高的为白茅、葫芦藓,其次为多花木兰、刺槐;草本层多样性指数最大,灌木层次之,乔木层最小,乔灌草各层物种多样性指数分别为0.23、0.66、1.4,均匀度指数分别为0.08、0.23、0.50;样地原配植的植物除几个优势种外,大多已死亡,被当地的野草植物所取代,表明原配植物不能适应高速公路边坡环境。因此,为更好地实现边坡植物生态恢复,应考虑适地适树原则,选择适应当地环境的乡土植物种植。
      In order to understand the growth status of Magnolia multiflora manmade plants community for ecological restoration at the slope engineering of the expressway from Changde to Jishou, we set 30 plots to investigate M. multiflora plants community, calculated frequency of the speces and multiple degrees, and then used Shannor-Wiener index, Simpson index and Pielou index to analyze each layer.The result were as following: There were 17 kinds of species, belonging to 9 branches 17 genuses. The four species with high frequency were M.multiflora, Funaria hygrometrica, Imperata cylindrical and Robinia pscudoacacia, the frequency were 1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.67, respectively. The species with higher multiple degrees were F. hygrometrica, I. cylindrical, the second was M. multiflora, the third was R. pscudoacacia. Herb layer had the largest species diversity, the second was shrub layer, and then the tree layer. The Shannon-Wiener index of tree layer, shrub layer, herb layer were 0.23, 0.66, 1.4, respectively; the Pielou index were 0.08, 0.23, 0.50 respectively. In addition to a few dominant species, the other planted previously have been dead and replaced by wild herbs. This phenomenon indicated that the previous plants could’t adapt the envioronment of expressway. In order to restore the ecology better, designers need to consider plant native species.
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