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Development path of modern agriculture in mountains area with the construction of ecological civilization as its main line
中文关键词: 生态文明  山区  生态农业  现代农业
英文关键词: ecological civilization  mountains area  ecological agriculture  modern agriculture
苟安经 乐山职业技术学院 
摘要点击次数: 1345
全文下载次数: 445
      Because the development model of modern agriculture has many drawbacks, the modern agriculture with the construction of ecological civilization as its main line will become the trend and goal of agriculture development. For mountains area, the ecological transformation of agriculture is more urgent. Compared with the plain and hilly area, mountains area has some difficulties that include mechanization, the contradiction between water and soil, etc. But it has abundant agricultural species resources, and its ecological quality is relatively good Therefore, the construction of ecological civilization and the modern agriculture should be put together, with suiting measures to local conditions, reasonably using characteristics resources and adjusting agricultural layout. The ecological county, small valley and ecological households are three basic levels of ecological agriculture plan. According to these three levels, all agricultural projects and public management resources should be coordinated and implemented.
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