查看全文    HTML 大茎丰产高糖甘蔗新品种桂糖39号的选育
Breeding of new varieties Guitang 39 with large stem, high cane and sugar yield
中文关键词: 甘蔗  大茎丰产  桂糖39号  选育
英文关键词: sugarcane  large stem and high yield  Guitang 39  breeding
王伦旺,李廷化,唐仕云,李翔,黄海荣,经艳,谭芳,邓宇驰 中国农业科学院甘蔗研究中心/广西农业科学院甘蔗研究所/广西甘蔗遗传改良重点实验室/农业部广西甘蔗生物技术与遗传改良重点实验室广西农垦国有金光农场 
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      为给广西蔗糖业提供优良的甘蔗新品种,以粤糖93/159为母本、ROC22为父本,进行甘蔗有性杂交育种,经过“五圃制”选育程序和广西2年新植1年宿根区域试验和生产试验,育成高产、高糖、宿根性好的大茎甘蔗新品种桂糖39号,于2012 年3月通过广西农作物品种审定委员会审定。区域试验结果表明,桂糖39号平均产蔗量97.2t/hm2,较对照新台糖22和新台糖16分别增产5.3%和11.2%;11月至翌年2月的平均蔗糖分为14.07%,比新台糖22高0.05%,比新台糖16低0.02%;平均含糖量为14.02t/hm2,比对照新台糖22和新台糖16分别增加9.1%和10.4%。该新品种适宜在广西中等以上肥力的旱地和水田蔗区种植。
      In order to provide good sugarcane commercial varieties for Guangxi sugar industry, a new sugarcane variety Guitang 39 with the character of good ratoon ability, large stem, high cane and sugar yield was approved by Guangxi approval committee of crop variety in March 2012. It was crossed by Yuetang 93/159 and ROC22 as male and female parents, and was bred by The Five Nurseries System Hybridization of conventional cross breeding program with two plant cane and one ratoon crop of Guangxi regional and production trial. The results of regional trial showed that the average cane yield of Guitang 39 was 97.2 t/hm2, higher than the control ROC22 and ROC16 by 5.3% and 11.2%, respectively. The average sucrose content was 14.07% from Nov. to next Feb, higher than ROC22 by 0.05% and lower than ROC16 by 0.02%. The average of sugar yield was 14.02 t/hm2, increased than ROC22 and ROC16 by 9.1% and 10.4%,respectively. Guitang 39 was suited to plant on medium or high fertility of dry land and paddy field in Guangxi sugarcane plantation.
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