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Optimizing of ultrafiltration conditions for extraction of bromelain by response surface methodology
中文关键词: 菠萝加工下脚料  菠萝蛋白酶  超滤  响应面分析
英文关键词: pineapple processing waste  bromelain  ultrafiltration  response surface methodology
韩志萍,黄茂芳,许逵,静玮 中国热带农业科学院农产品加工研究所国家重要热带作物工程技术研究中心 
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      采用超滤法从菠萝加工下脚料(主要是皮和芯)所榨的汁中分离纯化菠萝蛋白酶,在单因素试验的基础上,以超滤压力、温度和膜进口流速为试验因子,采用Box-Behnken 中心组合进行响应面试验设计,并建立二次响应面回归模型,研究其对酶活截留率和膜通量的影响。结果表明,压力、温度、膜进口流速3个单因素对超滤效果都有显著影响,而交互作用中,只有温度和其他两个因素之间的交互作用对酶活截留率的影响显著;并得最佳工艺条件为:压力266(±2)kPa,温度12(±0.5)℃,膜进口流速21(±0.2)mL/s,在此条件下的酶活截留率预测值为88.45%,膜通量预测值78mL/s,与实测值的相对误差都在2%之内。结果表明该模型拟合情况良好,可以使用该模型来分析菠萝蛋白酶提取响应值的变化。
      Ultrafilter was used for extraction of bromelain from crude aqueous extract of pineapple wastes (core and peel). On the base of single factor experiment, press, temperature and membrane inlet velocity were studied in detail for the comeouts of activity recovery and flux of membrane. According to the Box -Behnken central composite experimental design principle, response surface methodology was adopted to discuss the influence caused by the three facts to target parameters. In addition, the quadratic polynomial regression model was established to optimize the extraction techniques. The result showed that the influence of every single fact to result was significant. And the interaction between temperature and press as well as membrane inlet velocity influenced the activity recovery significantly. The optimized conditions for the extraction were as follows: press 266(±2)kPa, temperature 12(±0.5)℃and membrane inlet velocity 21 (±0.2)mL/s which resulted in activity recovery of 88.45% and flux of membrane of 78 mL/s respectively with relative errors below 2%. The results indicated that the empirical model developed by response surface methodology was adequate to describe the relationships between the factors and response value.
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