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Reproductive value analysis of the endangered plant Euonymus chloranthoides Yang in fragmented habitat
中文关键词: 小种群  濒危植物  生殖值  缙云卫矛
英文关键词: small population  endangered plant  reproductive value  Euonymus chloranthoides Yang
胡世俊,闫晓慧,何平,张春平,张益锋 西南林业大学林学院/国家林业局西南地区生物多样性保育重点实验室西南林业大学林学院西南大学生命科学学院 
摘要点击次数: 1347
全文下载次数: 632
      卫矛属植物具有杀虫活性,缙云卫矛(Euonymus chloranthoides Yang)为重庆特有的濒危植物,其生境已严重破碎。对该物种位于重庆北碚的6个种群的生殖值进行研究,结果表明,随着种群的减小,种群的生殖值、生活史总生殖值等指标出现增加的趋势,表明种群大小降低,种群增加生殖投入,但当种群太小时,其增加生殖投入的能力受到破坏。缙云卫矛生殖与生存之间表现为对抗关系,较小种群植株的寿命也较小,生殖投入较小的种群具有较长的寿命。说明生境破碎不利于该物种小种群的生殖调节能力。
      The plants of Euonymus have insecticidal activity. Euonymus chloranthoides Yang is an endangered plant endemic to Chongqing. The population of this plant has been fragmented seriously at present. Six populations at Beibei in Chongqing were selected to study the reproductive value. With the decline of population size, the reproductive value and total reproductive value of life history increase, which indicated population invests more to reproduction when population size declined. Banzigou population was the smallest one in six populations studied, its reproductive value was lowest, which means that the population’s ability of reproduction regulation was destroyed because of too small population size. There was a antagonism relationship between population reproduction and growth, the individual longevity of small population was shorter than that of big population because the individual invests more on reproduction. In total, habitat fragmentation could do harm to reproduction regulation ability of small populations.
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