查看全文    HTML 河北省速生林与粮食生产研究
Research on Fast-growing woods and grain production in Hebei province
中文关键词: 河北省  速生林  粮食生产  种植
英文关键词: Hebei province  Fast-growing woods  grain production  planting
史铁丑 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所中国科学院研究生院石家庄经济学院土地资源与城乡规划学院 
摘要点击次数: 1214
全文下载次数: 587
      2002 年启动的速生丰产用材林基地建设工程是中国第六大林业工程,工程实施近10 年来究竟对粮食生产有无影响,影响程度多大钥基于此问题,选取环绕京津、地理位置尤为重要的河北省作为研究区,基于土地利用的角度,对河北省速生林种植面积、粮食播种面积和产量等进行了分析。研究结果表明,河北省及各市速生林种植的时间、空间差异非常悬殊,但对粮食播种面积影响很小,对粮食产量没有影响。鉴于速生林改善生态环境的良好效果和产生的巨大经济效益,今后在河北省条件适宜的地区可继续种植,但要尽量少占耕地,减少对粮食生产的影响。
      The fast-growing and high-yielding timber plantation base construction project initiated in 2002, and it’s the sixth largest forest project in China. Did the project have influence to the grain production in the past ten years? And how much the influence is?Based on this problem, the study select Hebei province as the research area, which is around the Beijing-Tianjin, and the geographical position is particularly important. It analyzes Hebei’s fast-growing woods planting area, grain sown area and yield from land using angle.Research shows that fast-growing woods planting’s time and space difference is very wide in Hebei and each city, but its influence is very small for the grain sown area, and has no effect on food production. Because Fast-growing woods can improve ecological environment and bring huge economic benefits, it can continue to be planted in Hebei’s suitable area in the future. The fast-growing woods planting should occupy less cultivated-land as far as possible, and reduce the influence to grain production.
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