查看全文    HTML 大果木姜子浸提液对艾纳香幼苗的化感作用研究
Allelopathy of aqueous extracts from Cinnamomum migao H.W.Li on Blumea balsamifera L.DC援
中文关键词: 艾纳香  大果木姜子  化感作用
英文关键词: Blumea balsamifera L.DC.  Cinnamomum migao H.W.Li  allelopathy
池馨,刘济明,欧国腾,文爱华,廖晓峰 贵州大学林学院贵州省罗甸县林业局贵州科学院贵州省山地资源研究所 
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      为了在贵州大面积推广种植艾纳香与大果木姜子,通过盆栽方式,研究大果木姜子浸提液对艾纳香化感作用,测定艾纳香的叶片相对含水量、生物量尧游离脯氨酸含量、可溶性蛋白质含量、可溶性糖含量、可溶性淀粉含量、根系活力、MDA、POD、SOD、CAT 等活性变化,得出敏感指数与综合效应等指标。结果表明:随着大果木姜子浸提液浓度的增加,艾纳香抗氧化系统的3种酶活、丙二醛含量、渗透调节、有机物质和根系活力都有一定程度改变,对植物的相对含水量和生物量造成影响,各物质在处理的过程中表现出的化感作用为抑制,且随浓度增大抑制作用增强。因此在对艾纳香和大果木姜子的间作过程中要及时清理大果木姜子的凋落物以减弱抑制作用。
      In order to spread the large-scale cultivation of Blumea balsamifera L.DC. and Cinnamomum migao H.W.Li in Guizhou, this paper studied the allelopathy of aqueous extracts from C. migao on B. balsamifera by pot experiment and determined leaf relative water content, free pro content, biomass, soluble protein content, soluble sugar content, soluble starch content, root vitality, MDA, POD, SOD, CAT activities of B. balsamifera, and then got the RI and SE. The results showed that the aqueous extracts from C. migao had effects on POD, SOD, CAT activities, MDA content, osmoregulation,organic matter, root vitality, leaf relative water content and biomass, and showed inhibitory effect, and the inhibitory effect increased with the increase of aqueous extracts concentration. It can be included that during the intercropping process of B.balsamifera and C. migao, the litters of C. migao should be cleaned in time to weaken the effect of allelopathy.
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