查看全文    HTML 枯草芽胞杆菌R31施用对中粉1号粉蕉根际微生物的影响
Influence of Bacillus subtilis strain R31 application on rhizospheric microorganism of dwarf banana (Musa spp. ABB cv. Zhongfen No.1)
中文关键词: 枯草芽胞杆菌  根际微生物  香蕉枯萎病
英文关键词: Bacillus subtilis  rhizospheric microorganism  banana fusarium wilt
基金项目:广东省农业厅农业科技推广专项(粤农计[2011]143号);广东省级农业科技推广专项(粤财农[2013]185 号)
赵志国,李一平,喻国辉,程萍,温书恒 珠海市现代农业发展中心华中农业大学生命科学技术学院 广东植物龙生物技术有限公司 
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      为探索枯草芽胞杆菌R31 处理对粉蕉枯萎病和根际微生物的影响,对大田施用过R31可湿性粉剂的中粉1号开展防效统计和根际微生物计数。其中R31 可湿性粉剂按照1.0*10^6 CFU/mL 浓度施用,每次每株施用1 000mL,连续施用5 次。收获前统计中粉1号不同表型植株的枯萎病发病率,并采集不同表型和健康状态植株的根际土样,土壤微生物统计采用稀释平板计数。结果表明,施用R31 可湿性粉剂对中粉1 号枯萎病有一定的防治效果,总防效44.00%,对低抗性野青杆冶表型的防效为23.00%,对高抗性野红杆冶表型的防效为56.14%。对根际可培养微生物计数结果表明,R31 施用可以增加粉蕉根际细菌总量,减少根际真菌、放线菌和镰刀菌总量。显示枯草芽胞杆菌R31 对粉蕉枯萎病的防效可能与其对根际微生物的调节有关。
      In order to research the influence of Bacillus subtilis strain R31 on fusarium wilt and rhizospheric microorganism of dwarf banana, the biocontrol effect and rhizospheric microorganism of Musa spp. ABB cv. Zhongfen No.1 applied wettable powder of strain R31 were investigated . In the treatment area, the banana seedlings were irrigated by 1000 mL 1.0 伊106 CFU/mL spores of strain R31 per plant five times totally. Before harvest, the disease incidence in different phenotypes of Zhongfen NO.1 were investigated and the rhizosphere soil samples of different phenotypes and health status were collected. The results showed that the average control efficiency were 44.00%, biocontrol effect on “green stem冶p” henotype of Zhongfen NO.1 was only 23.00% , while it on “red stem” phenotype reached 56.14%. Microbial counting results indicated that after applying R31, the number of cultivable rhizospheric bacteria increased, but the numbers of cultivable fungi, actinomycetes and fusarium were decreased. It suggested that the control effect of strain R31 on fusarium wilt was associated with the adjustment on rhizospheric microorganisms.
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