曹凌燕,陈亚娟,王宏芝,张杰伟,丁莉萍,魏建华.毛白杨AP2/ERF 类转录因子PtoSHN 的克隆及分析[J].广东农业科学,2013,40(7):140-144
查看全文    HTML 毛白杨AP2/ERF 类转录因子PtoSHN 的克隆及分析
Cloning and analysis of AP2/ERF transcription factor PtoSHN in Populus tomentosa
中文关键词: 毛白杨  SHN  次生生长  亚细胞定位
英文关键词: Populus tomentosa  SHN  secondary growth  subcellular localization
曹凌燕,陈亚娟,王宏芝,张杰伟,丁莉萍,魏建华 北京农学院植物科学技术学院北京农业生物技术研究中心 
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      AP2/ERFs 是一个庞大的转录因子家族,在植物的生长发育过程中发挥着重要作用。以毛白杨(Populustomentosa)为材料,克隆了毛白杨AP2/ERF 类转录因子PtoSHN 的编码区序列。组织表达特异性结果显示,PtoSHN 基因在毛白杨茎中高水平表达。系统进化分析表明,PtoSHN 与拟南芥AtSHN2 和AtSHN3 相似度较高,其中AtSHN2 已被证明参与了植物次生壁的合成调控。通过亚细胞定位预测,PtoSHN 定位于细胞核内。亚细胞定位结果表明,PtoSHN 定位在核内。表明已成功克隆到毛白杨SHN 基因,该基因可能在林木次生生长过程中起调控作用。
      AP2/ERF is a large family of transcription factors in plants, which has great effect on plant growth and physiology. The full-length coding sequence of transcription factor SHINE (SHN) from Populus tomentosa was cloned. Real-time PCR results showed that PtoSHN expressed in various organs in poplar, especially in the stem. Phylogenetic tree proved that PtoSHN shared a high similarity with AtSHN2 and AtSHN3 from Arabidopsis thaliana. The AtSHN2 has proved to be involved in plant secondary wall synthesis regulation. PtoSHN located in the nucleus, which was predicted by bioinformational software CELLO v.2.5, and then testified by subcellular localization. Therefore, we successfully cloned SHN from P. tomentosa and speculated that SHN gene may play a key role in regulating trees爷secondary growth.
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