查看全文    HTML 弱光胁迫对超级杂交稻产量和干物质积累的影响
Effects of weak light stress on grain yield and dry mater accumulation of super hybrid rice
中文关键词: 超级杂交稻  遮光  产量  结实率  干物质
英文关键词: super hybrid rice  shading  grain yield  grain filling  dry matter
刘科。何爱斌,苑涛涛,田小海,张运波 长江大学湿地生态与农业利用教育部工程研究中心长江大学农学院 
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      超级杂交稻在山丘地区的生态条件下容易展示超高产潜力,但在平原地区由于光照相对较少和灌浆期间的多阴寡照天气造成严重减产。以超级杂交稻、普通杂交稻和高产常规稻代表品种为供试材料,在齐穗后设置过滤30%光照、60%光照和对照3 个处理,探讨不同遮光处理对超级杂交稻产量和干物质积累的影响。结果表明:超级杂交稻对弱光反应敏感,品种和遮光处理之间互作效应显著,齐穗后遮光处理对超级杂交稻结实率和千粒重影响显 著、产量下降24.2%~52.8%,对每穗粒数和有效穗数影响不显著;齐穗后遮光处理对超级杂交稻干物质积累影响显著,收获指数显著下降,特别是后期干物质积累量占总干物质比例显著下降,影响后期干物质的积累和转化。
      Super hybrid rice apparently showed high yield potential under the ecological conditions of mountainous areas. However, the yield seriously decreased because of the insufficient sunshine during the grain filling stage in plain area. This experiment was conducted with super hybrid, ordinary hybrid, and inbred varieties to observe the effect of different shading on the yield and dry matter accumulation of super hybrid rice. Different shading nets were used to filter 30% and 60% of light intensity and normal with three varieties after flowering stage. The experiment result showed that super hybrid rice was sensitive to low light and the interaction effect was obvious between the varieties and shading treatments compared with normal. In addition, the yield of super hybrid rice decreased by 24.2%-52.8% under the treatment of shading. As a result, the grain filling and 1000-grain weight were susceptible to shading treatment except panicle number and spikelet number. Besides, dry matter accumulation of super hybrid rice was significantly influenced by shading treatment and harvest index significantly decreased after flowering. Especially, dry matter accumulation decreased significantly after flowering, which influenced the accumulation and transforming of the dry matter.
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