查看全文    HTML 鲜莲子剪切力学特性研究
Shearing mechanical properties of fresh lotus
中文关键词: 鲜莲子  剪切力学特性  含水率  放置时间  刀具角度
英文关键词: fresh lotus  shearing mechanical properties  moisture content  storage time  knife angle
张松,彭毅,宗力 华中农业大学工学院武汉市农机鉴定推广站 
摘要点击次数: 1258
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      测定了鲜莲子的剪切力学特性,为鲜莲子去壳机的研制提供重要依据。结果表明:鲜莲子大小等级对剪切破裂力和变形量没有显著影响;含水率对鲜莲子剪切破裂力和变形量有极显著的影响,并呈负相关,在试验的含水率范围内剪切破裂力在9.5~63.6 N 范围内变化,变形量在2.31~6.22 mm 范围内变化;莲子放置时间对剪切破裂力有显著影响,对变形量有极显著影响,并呈正相关,在试验的放置时间范围,剪切破裂时的变形量在2.06~5.67 mm范围内变化;刀具角度对剪切破裂力和变形量有极显著的影响,并呈现正相关性,当刀具角度为90°时剪切破裂力最大、达50.1 N,当刀具角度为60°时剪切力最小、为14.6 N。
      The shearing mechanical properties of fresh lotus was determined in this paper, which provided vital basis for designing of lotus shelling machine. The results showed that the grade of fresh lotus seed did not significantly affect shear rupture force and deformation. Moisture content had a significant influence on shear rupture force and deformation, and showed a negative correlation; Within the scope of tested moisture content, shear rupture force changed between 9.5 N and 63.6 N, and the deformation changed between 2.31 mm and 6.22 mm. Storage time did not significantly affect the shear rupture force, but it had a significant influence on the deformation, and there was a positive correlation between them; Within the scope of tested storage time, the deformation changed between 2.06 mm and 5.67 mm. Knife angle had a significant influence on shear rupture force and deformation, and showed a negative correlation; the shear rupture force was up to a maximum of 50.1 N when the knife angle was 90°, and a minimum of 14.6 N when the knife angle was 60°.
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