查看全文    HTML 基于DEA模型的广东财政支农资金使用效率分析
Efficiency analysis on financial funds for agriculture in Guangdong province based on DEA
中文关键词: 财政支农  效率  广东  数据包络分析  主成分分析法
英文关键词: financial support for agriculture  efficiency  Guangdong province  data envelopment analysis  principal component analysis.
基金项目:2010 年度广东省农村财政研究会调研项目
邹帆,陈雪姣 华南农业大学经济管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 1228
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      以广东省为研究对象,研究了广东省财政支农资金的使用效率。运用主成分分析法(PCA)对数据进行处理,取消其变量间的相关性,保证运用DEA 模型测算使用效率结果的准确性。应用DEA 方法,以VRS 模型计算效率值,得到技术效率、纯技术效率和规模效率。分析过程主要从两个角度进行:一是对2011 年广东省除深圳外的20 个城市财政支农资金的使用效率进行横向分析,结果表明广东省大部分城市财政支农效率较低,存在改进的空间。二是对1995 年税制改革以来广东全省的财政支农资金使用效率进行纵向分析,结果表明自1995 年以来,广东省财政支农资金使用效率总体呈下降趋势,2010 年以后有所回升。
      This paper tries to investigate the efficiency of financial fund for agriculture in Guangdong province.Firstly, in order to cancel its correlation between variables and ensure accuracy of calculating efficiency, the data are processed by using the PCA, then by the application of DEA, we use the VRS model to calculate the efficiency including technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency. Analysis comprises two aspects, as one is that we carry out a horizontal analysis on the efficiency of financial funds for agriculture, the data of 20 cities in Guangdong province,2011 are used in addition to Shenzhen, the results show that the financial funds for agriculture of most cities in Guangdong are less efficient, existing room for improvement. The other one is that we make a longitudinal analysis on the efficiency of financial funds for agriculture, the data of Guangdong province since 1995 on tax reform. The results show that since 1995,the efficiency of financial funds for agriculture in Guangdong province overall downward trend, rebounded after 2010.
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