查看全文    HTML 吉林省风沙土养分时空变化特点研究
Research on the temporal and spatial variation characteristicsof Aeolian sandy nutrient in Jilin province
中文关键词: 风沙土  有机质  速效养分  时空变化
英文关键词: Aeolian sandy  soil organic matter  available nutrients  temporal and spatial variation
孙艳楠,张清,李思佳,陈智文 吉林师范大学生态环境研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1507
全文下载次数: 818
      为了解吉林省西部典型风沙土分布区土壤有机质和氮、磷、钾的时空变化特征,以第二次土壤普查为背景,于2011年在吉林省的梨树县、双辽市和长岭县的6个风沙土耕地进行取样,测定土壤中有机质和碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾含量。结果表明:除 梨树县四棵树乡土壤有机质变化速率为负增长外,其余5个采样点的土壤有机质变化速率均增加,农家肥的施用是提高土壤有机质的重要因素;与1982年相比,2011年风沙土土壤碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾平均含量分别增加43.4%、543.4%和165.3%,碱解氮增加幅度低于有效磷和速效钾的增加幅度,增施化肥显著提高了土壤速效养分的含量;施肥技术和人为管理等措施是风沙土土壤有机质和氮尧磷、钾含量变化的主要影响因素。
      To explore the variation characteristics of soil organic matter and N, P, K of the typical Aeolian sandy in the western of Jilin province, with the second soil survey as the background, we determined the organic matter and N, P, K of the samples in Lishu county, Shuangliao city and Changling county in 2011. The results showed that besides the Sikeshu Township in Lishu, growth changing rate of soil organic matter in the remaining five points increased. Applied manure is an important factor to improve soil organic matter.Compared with 1982, the average content of N, P and K respectively increased by 43.4%, 543.4% and 165.3% in 2011. The increase amplitude of N was lower than the increase amplitude of P and K. Increasing fertilizer significantly increased the content of soil available nutrients. The fertilization technology and management measures were the main factors which affected the changes of soil organic matter and N, P, K content.
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