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Effects of water temperature on metabolizability of starved Pseudocrossocheilus bamaensis (Fang)
中文关键词: 温度对巴马拟缨鱼饥饿代谢的影响
英文关键词: Pseudocrossocheilus bamaensis(Fang)  temperatures  oxygen consumption rate  ammonia excretion rate  CO2 excretion rate
杨芳,黄琳,高扬,程光平,李文红 广西大学动物科学与技术学院 
摘要点击次数: 1462
全文下载次数: 619
      以质量为10.15~11.50 g的野生巴马拟缨鱼Pseudocrossocheilus bamaensis (Fang)为试验样本,设置10、15、20、25℃等4个温度梯度,通过用自制的密闭流水式呼吸仪,测定温度对其耗氧率(OR)、排氨率(NR)和CO2排泄率(CR)的影响,并通过氧氮比(O:N)、呼吸商(RQ)和能量代谢率(Rm)探讨饥饿状态下巴马拟缨鱼的能源物质以及温度对能量代谢的影响。结果表明,OR、NR和CR均随着温度的升高而升高,温度对巴马拟缨鱼呼吸代谢有影响,经Duncan's法多重比较可知,除了OR值在10℃和15℃两组间以及NR值在10℃、15、和20、相邻两组间差异不显著外,其余两两温度组之间差异显著;同一温度组OR、NR和CR均存在显著的昼夜变化,属于昼伏夜出型曰O:N值约为24~29,随温度变化而变化,但温度对O:N值没有显著影响;呼吸商的值为0.768~0.806,表明基础代谢所需能量主要由蛋白质和脂肪氧化提供。
      The paper took waild Pseudocrossocheilus bamaensis (Fang)as test objects, with body weight ranged from 10.15 g to 11.50g. The water temperature was set up four gradient with 10, 15, 20 25℃. The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of water temperature on oxygen consumption rate (OR), ammonia excretion rate (NR) and CO2 excretionrate (CR) of starved P. bamaensis in a selfmade closed respiration instrument, and discussed the energy materials in the condition of hunger and temperature effect on energy metabolism through analyzing O:N ratio (O:N), respiration quotient (RQ) and energy metabolic rate (Rm). The results showed that temperature had significant effect on respiratory metabolism of P. bamaensis. The values of OR, NR and CR increased with rising of temperature, the effects of temperature were significant for both of them, except for the values of OR between 10℃and 15℃, and except for the values of NR among 10℃, 15℃and 20℃. The values of OR, NR and CR between day and night was obvious, and belong to this type which prefered to work in the night; the values of O:N ranged from 24 to 29, varied with temperature, but not obvious. The mean respiratory quotient value ranged from 0.768 to 0.806, indicating that this fish utilized protein-lipid-dominated metabolism.
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