查看全文    HTML 海南铜鼓岭国家自然保护区药用植物调查研究
Investigation of the medicinal plants in the Tongguling Nature Reserve of Hainan
中文关键词: 院濒危珍惜植物  特有植物  药用植物  固定样地  铜鼓岭
英文关键词: rare and endangered plants  endemic plant  medicinal plants  fixed sample plot  Tongguling
卜广发,杨小波,文兴,周威,龙成,李东海 海南大学热带作物种质资源保护与开发利用教育部重点实验室海南大学园艺园林学院 
摘要点击次数: 1598
全文下载次数: 829
      结合传统的路线法、小样方法与固定样地法调查铜鼓岭保护区药用植物在群落中的分布情况。结果表明,铜鼓岭国家自然保护区共有药用植物640种,隶属136科544属。其中,蕨类植物20种,隶属14科17属;裸子植物1种;被子植物618种,隶 属120科525属。640种药用植物中包括4种海南特有种植物,8种濒危珍惜、国家级保护植物。经过调查分析发现,铜鼓岭保护区药用植物资源在植物群落中占有重要地位,如贡甲、海南大风子、赤楠蒲桃等在铜鼓岭保护区的分布广泛且数量众多,其中海南大风子是国家级珍稀保护植物,但在铜鼓岭保护区内却是优势物种,这是铜鼓岭保护区药用植物资源的重要特色。
      Traditional route method, sample method and sample method with fixed area were used to research the medicinal plants of Tongguling Nature Reserve. The results showed that Tongguling National Nature Reserve contained a total of 644 kinds of medicinal plants, belonging to 544 genus out of 135 families. And there were 20 kinds of ferns belonging to 17 genera out of 13 families, one kind of gymnosperms, 622 kinds of angiosperm belonging to 525 genera out of 120 families. In addition, it contained 4 Peculiar plants that were only seen in hailand and 8 endangered national protected plants. Especially, Tongguling reserve medicinal plant resources showed an important position in plant community occupies. Through investigation and analysis, we found that Maclurodendron oligophlebium, Hydnocarpus hainanensis, Syzygium buxifolium were widely distributed and numerous in Tongguling reserves, and Hydnocarpus hainanensis was the national rare and protected plant. Howerer in Tongguling protection area, it was dominant species. This was the important characteristics of Tongguling reserve medicinal plant resources.
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