查看全文    HTML 生根粉对甘蔗组培瓶苗生根及假植苗素质的影响
Effect of rooting powder on in vitro shoot rooting and transplanting seedling quality of sugarcane
中文关键词: 甘蔗组培苗  生根粉  假植苗素质  成活率
英文关键词: tissue culture of sugarcane  rooting powder  quality of temporary planting seedling  survival rate
莫周美,唐君海,赵静,陆祖正,符策,秦昌鲜,俸青,廖韦卫 广西橡胶研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1502
全文下载次数: 598
      提高甘蔗组培瓶苗根系的素质,增加假植成活率和提高假植苗的质量。通过在生根培养基中加入不同浓度的生根粉,探讨不同生根粉浓度对甘蔗组培苗瓶苗生根及假植苗素质的影响。结果表明:在25~200 mg/L浓度范围内的生根粉对甘蔗组培 瓶苗生根和假植成活率及假植苗质量的影响差异达极显著水平,其中以生根粉浓度为100mg/L时瓶苗根素质和假植成活率及假植苗生长表现最好,瓶苗表现根系多、根粗长袁假植苗表现苗高大粗壮、叶色浓绿、新长白色粗根多,适合大田移栽,成活率高。
      Increase in sugarcane transplanting survival rate and improvement in temporary planting seedling quality were achieved through enhancing the quality of tissue culture plantlet root. In order to study the influence of rooting powder on sugarcane in vitro shoot rooting and transplanting seedling quality, difference concentrations of rooting powder were added into the rooting media. The results show that: Extremely significant levels were observed in sugarcane tissue culture plantlet rooting, transplanting survival rate and temporary planting seedling quality when rooting media were supplemented with 25~200 mg/L of rooting powder. In particular, with rooting powder of 100 mg/L, plantlet root quality, transplanting survival rate and temporary planting seedling quality are the best. At the same time, many long and thick roots of seedlings in the bottles are achieved which resulted in tall, stout, and colour dark green temporary planting seedlings with many new long thick white roots and that are suitable for field transplanting with high survival rate.
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