查看全文    HTML 9个香蕉栽培品种在广西的引种试验初报
Preliminary report on introduction experiment of nine banana cultivars in Guangxi
中文关键词: 香蕉  引种  高产  优异性状  广西
英文关键词: banana  introduced cultivars  high yield  better characters  Guangxi
方仁,龙兴,王文林,黄宇,黄伟雄,尧金燕 广西农业科学院园艺研究所广西橡胶研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1264
全文下载次数: 644
      为进一步调整和优化广西的香蕉品种结构,筛选出适宜广西栽培的具有优异性状的香蕉新品种。从广东省引进9个香蕉栽培品种,并与广西主栽品种威廉斯进行比较试验,分析其生物学特性、主要农艺性状、产量和果实品质等指标。结果表明:9个引进品种的综合表现均有各自的优异特性,其中W3假茎高达271.67cm,单株产量略高于对照威廉斯,果实品质表现最佳;W14假茎最矮,生育期比对照早24d,果实品质好,但单株产量低于对照4.82 kg;W2、W4、W8和W12产量高,果形好,果指长,色泽光亮;W7、W9和W10风味或口感均比对照好。引进的9个香蕉栽培品种在田间的初步表现良好,具有优于当地品种的特异性状或与对照品种性状相当,值得进一步在广西示范推广。
      The present experiment was made to select superior banana cultivars for improving the composition status of banana cultivars in Guangxi.Nine banana cultivars were introduced from Guangdong, which were investigated their biological characteristics, the major agronomic traits, as well as yields and fruit indexes comparing to that of the leading cultivar in Guangxi, williams.The results showed that, the nine introduced cultivars showed varied in the general characters when compared to willams, e.g, cultivar W3 had a higher pseudostem of 271.67 cm and better fruit quality while with lower yield,cultivar W14 had the lowest pseudostem height with a shorter life cycle and better fruit quality while individual plant yield was 4.82 kg lower than willams. Besides, cultivar W2, W4, W8 and W12 all showed higher yield, better fruit shape, longer fruit fingers and brighter fruit color. cultivar W7, W9, and W10 showed better flavor or taste of fruit than willams. The nine banana cultivars were found with general characters in the field either better or at least not worse than willams ,which were suggested to be worthy of further for demonstration and production in Guangxi.
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