查看全文    HTML 农药和抗生素在微藻纯种培养中的应用
Application of three pesticides and antibiotics in microalgae species separation
中文关键词: 微藻  藻种纯化  敏感性  农药  抗生素
英文关键词: microalgae  single-species culture  sensitivity  growth rate
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31000117);中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(CATAS-ITBB130305, CATAS-ITBB110507)
罗秋兰,费小雯,邓晓东 中国热带农业科学院热带生物技术研究所海南医学院基础医学部 
摘要点击次数: 1383
全文下载次数: 948
      纯种的分离培养是微藻产品开发尧规模培养和科学研究的基础遥微藻易受其他生物污染袁又无法低温保存袁导致其分离培养面临困难遥比较了不同浓度的3种农药和3种抗生素分别对微茫藻18A8袁小球藻CE14和亚心形扁藻袁小新月菱形藻生长的影 响袁确定它们用于藻种分离的最佳浓度为百菌清25 mg/L尧水合霉素25 mg/L尧绿邦200 mg/L尧卡那霉素25 mg/L尧氨苄西林25 mg/L和制菌霉素1.25 mg/L遥采集含有微藻的淡水尧海水水样先后培养在混合添加了3种适宜浓度的农药和抗生素的培养基袁最终抑制了微藻中其他真菌和细菌的生长袁实现了微藻的藻种纯化遥
      The isolation and cultivation of species are the basis of microalgae products exploring and scientific research. The microalgae is susceptible contamination to other microorganism when cultured, and can not be cryopreserved. The microalgae species isolation faced difficulties. This study compared different concentrations of the three pesticides and antibiotics effects on Micractinium pusillum 18A8, Heynigia riparia CE14-2, Platymonas subcordiformis and Phaeodactylum tricornutum. The optimum concentrations of these pesticides and antibiotics for mircoalgae were determined as 25 mg/L for chlorothalonil, 25 mg/L for water synthomycin, 200 mg/L for Lv Bang, 25 mg/L for Ampicillin, 25 mg/L kanamycin and 1.25 mg/L for nysfungin. The fresh water and seawater containing microalgae were collected from nature, cultrued in medium added three appropriate concentrations pesticides and antibiotics, and eventually the other fungi and bacteria were inhibited, the microalgae single species were obtained.
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