查看全文    HTML 甘蔗新品种桂辐98-296在广西区试概况及其高产示范表现
Summary on the agronomic and yield perfomance of new sugarcane variety Guifu 98-296 in Guangxi regional trial
中文关键词: 甘蔗  理化诱变  桂辐98-296  广西区试  高产示范
英文关键词: sugarcane  physical and chemical mutagenesis  Guifu 98-296  Guangxi regional trial  high yield demonstration
游建华,李松,何为中,韦坚,杨柳,余坤兴,莫磊兴,刘红坚 广西农科院甘蔗研究所/广西甘蔗遗传改良重点实验室广西柳江县甘蔗技术推广站 
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      桂辐98-296是以桂糖91-131为供体,利用理化诱变方法选育而成的适宜旱坡地种植的甘蔗新品种。在广西区试中,其平均蔗茎产量为109.16 t/hm2,含糖量为15.64 t/hm2,分别比对照当家品种新台糖22号(CK1)增产18.24%、20.89%,同时也分别 比新台糖16号(CK2)增产24.86%、26.98%;在生产示范中,其产量为103.61t/hm2,分别比新台糖22号(99.63t/hm2)和新台糖16号(89.22 t/hm2)增产3.98%和16.13%。在高产示范中,其在凭祥点的产量为195.00 t/hm2,比新台糖22号(149.25 t/hm2)增产31.49%;其在百色点的产量为186.77t/hm2,含糖量为28.60 t/hm2,分别比新台糖22号增产22.94%、23.54%。
      Guifu 98-296, selected from the mutants of donor clone after it was exposed to physical and chemical mutagenic agents, is a new variety which is adapted to those cane fields on dry slope upland. In the regional trial of Guangxi, the average cane and sugar yield of Guifu 98-296 increased by 18.24% and 20.89% over the leading variety要要ROC22 (CK1), and meanwhile increased by 24.86% and 26.98% over the ROC16 (CK2) respectively. In the production demonstration of Guangxi, its cane yield increased by 3.98% and 16.13% over the ROC22(CK1, 99.63 t/hm2) and ROC16 (CK2, 89.22 t/hm2). In the high yield demonstration of Guangxi, its cane yield increased by 31.49% over the ROC22 at Pingxiang test spot, and its average cane and sugar yield increased by 22.94% and 23.54% over the ROC22 respectively at Baise test spot.
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