查看全文    HTML 遮阴处理对小蓬竹生长及生理特性的影响
Effect of shading treatments on growth and physiological characteristics of Drepanostachyum luodianense
中文关键词: 小蓬竹  遮阴处理  叶片生长  生理特性  耐阴性
英文关键词: Drepanostachyum luodianense  shading treatments  leaf growth  physiological characteristics  shaded-tolerance
基金项目:贵州省国际科技合作计划项目(黔科合外G字[2013]7010号、黔科合外G字[2009]70010号);贵州大学人才引进基金(2010-09);贵州省科技计划项目(黔科合SY 字[2012]3008);贵阳市科技计划项目(筑科合同[2012]103号);贵州科学院省级科研专项资金(黔科院专合字[201]02号)贵州省科技基础条件平台项目(黔科院J合字[2011]16)
谢元贵,廖小锋,张东凯,刘济明,赵晓鹏,文萍 贵州科学院山地资源研究所
摘要点击次数: 1473
全文下载次数: 820
      为了探讨濒危植物小蓬竹对光照的适应性,设置轻度遮阴(LS)74.32%自然光)、中度遮阴(MS)44.83%自然光冤、重度遮阴(SS,18.57%自然光冤3种遮阴处理,以自然光为对照,观测了小蓬竹叶片生长及生理特性的变化遥结果表明,相对于对照,轻度遮阴小蓬竹植株叶片数量显著增加,比叶重、可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、可溶性淀粉、游离脯氨酸含量均无明显差异,总叶绿素尧类胡萝卜素含量以及叶绿素b相对含量略有升高;中度遮阴及重度遮阴小蓬竹叶片相对数量、总叶绿素、类胡萝卜素、叶绿素b 相对含量以及可溶性蛋白含量显著升高袁比叶重尧可溶性淀粉、游离脯氨酸含量显著降低袁可溶性糖含量差异较小遥说明小蓬竹对轻度遮阴环境有良好的适应性袁适度遮阴更有利于其生长发育。遮阴加重的情况下,小蓬竹降低比叶重、促进扩展生长、提高总叶绿素尤其是叶绿素b的含量,从而提高光照截获面积与光吸收能力曰调节游离脯氨酸含量维持正常的细胞膨压曰减少光合有机物的净积累,将能量更多地用于生命活动的维持曰保持足够的可溶性糖并提高可溶性蛋白的含量,从而加强对弱光逆境的抵御能力。由此推断,小蓬竹对中度及重度遮阴环境具有较强的适应性。
      In order to investigate shade tolerance of endangered plant Drepanostachyum luodianense, three shading treatments of low shading (LS, the relative light intensity was 74.32%), moderate shading (MS, the relative light intensity was 44.83%) and severe shading (SS, the relative light intensity was 18.57%) were set up to observe the leaf growth and physiological characteristics of D. luodianense, with natural light as the contrast (CK, the relative light intensity was 100%). The results showed that袁compared with CK, there was no significant difference for the specific leaf weight, soluble protein content, soluble starch content, soluble sugar content and free proline content of D. luodianense under LS, except that the leaf relative number significantly increased, the total chlorophyll content, carotenoids content and relative content of chlorophyll b increased slightly as well. Also under MS (or SS)袁the leaf relative number, total chlorophyll content, carotenoids content, relative content of chlorophyll b and soluble protein content of D. luodianense significantly increased relative to CK, while the specific leaf weight, soluble starch content and free proline content decreased significantly, but with no significant difference in soluble sugar content. These results indicated that D. luodianense could well adapt to low shading environment and moderate shading conditions was more advantageous to the growth and development. In the further aggravating shading environment, D. luodianense enhanced illumination intercepted area and light absorptive capability by reducing the specific leaf weight, promoting the expansion growth and raising the total chlorophyll especially the chlorophyll b content; maintained normal cell turgor by regulating the free proline content; used more energy to keep normal life activities by decreasing the net accumulation of photosynthetic organics; strengthened capability against low light stress by holding enough soluble sugar and improve the soluble protein content. Therefore, we deduce that D. luodianense has strong adaptability to moderate shading and severe shading environment.
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