查看全文    HTML 粤西南丘陵山区耕地占补平衡中的质量与产能变化研究
Study of arable land quality and productivity of the cultivated balanceland in Hilly and Mountainous Region of Southwestern Guangdong
中文关键词: 粤西北丘陵山区  耕地数量  耕地质量  耕地产能
英文关键词: Hilly and mountainous region of Southwestern Guangdong  amount of cultivated land  quality of cultivated land  production capacity of arable land
林和明,肖北生,陈旭飞,李建华,许欢,杨小雪,戴军,周波 广东省土地开发储备局华南农业大学资源环境学院/农业部华南耕地保育重点实验室/国土资源部建设用地再开发重点实验室/广东省土地利用与整治重点实验室袁 
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      为对粤西南丘陵山地区耕地占补平衡中的质量与产能情况进行研究袁以化州市作为研究区域袁采用农用地分等的相 关技术方法袁研究了近年来化州市耕地的数量与质量和产能的状况遥结果显示袁化州市2003要2011 年耕地总体质量有所提升袁平 均自然质量有0.21个等别的提升袁利用等质量有0.18个等别的提升袁经济等质量提升了0.33 个等别遥耕地总面积净增了1 069.86 hm2袁在保证耕地占补平衡的过程中袁充分完成了耕地总面积不减少的任务袁并且耕地的总产能增加了4.08 万t袁为保障化州乃至全 省的粮食安全做出了贡献遥
      In order to study the arable land quality and productivity of the cultivated balanced land in the hilly and mountainous area of southwestern Guangdong, land quantity/quality and capacity were in survey research, which was changed in recent years in Huazhou. The results showed that, arable overall quality has improved between 2003 and 2011 in Huazhou, the average natural quality classification improved 0.21, utilization quality classification improved 0.18, the economic quality classification improved 0.33. The net increase of the total area of cultivated land was 1 069.86 hectares, in the process of ensuring the balance of arable land, the total area of cultivated land does not reduce. And the total production capacity of arable land increased 40,800 tons. It has contributed to Huazhou 's food security, even to the all province's.
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