查看全文    HTML 矿质肥对当归生长动态、产量及品质的影响
Influence of mineral fertilizer on yield and quality of Angelica sinensis
中文关键词: 矿质肥  当归  生长动态  产量  品质
英文关键词: mineral fertilizer  angelica sinensis  growth and development  yield  quality
邓济承,纪瑛,蔺海明,李应东,晋玲 1.甘肃农业大学农学院甘肃兰州7300702.甘肃农业职业技术学院甘肃兰州7300303.甘肃中医学院药学院甘肃兰州730030 
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      矿质肥对当归生长动态、产量及品质的影响试验结果表明,供试的3种矿质肥均不同程度地促进了当归各项生长指标和产量,施用4 020 kg/hm2银荣峰有机肥和4 020 kg/hm2欣庆新型矿物肥处理效果较好。两种处理当归根长、根粗、株高等生长指标均显著优于其他施肥处理,但不同施肥处理对当归叶片数影响不大。两种施肥处理鲜归产量达到7 843.75、7 625 kg/hm2、比对照增产54.67%和50.35%。施用4 020 kg/hm2银荣峰有机肥处理挥发油含量比药典要求高出0.7% mL/g,阿魏酸含量比药典高出0.075%。因此,为保证产量和品质在生产中推荐施用4 020kg/hm2银荣峰有机肥和4 020 kg/hm2欣庆新型矿物肥以达增产提质目的。
      Three kinds of mineral fertilizer promote the growth and development and yield of Angelica sinensis in varying degrees. The treatments of 4 020 kg/hm2 YinRongFeng organic fertilizer and 4 020 kg/hm2 XinQing mineral fertilizer have the best indexes. Under the two treatments, the root length, diameter of root and plant height of A. sinensis are better than the other treatments, but is not significantly different on leaf number. The yield reached to 7 843.75 kg/hm2 and 7 625 kg/hm2, increase 54.67% and 50.35% compared to the comparison.Under the treatment of 4 020 kg/hm2 YinRongFeng organic fertilizer, the volatile oil increase 0.7% mL/g compared to Chinese pharmacopoeial, the ferulic acid increase 0.075% compared to Chinese pharmacopoeia. In order to ensure the yield and quality. So, it is concluded that 4 020 kg/hm2 YinRongFeng organic fertilizer and 4 020 kg/hm2 XinQing mineral fertilizer can increase the yield an improve the quality.
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