查看全文    HTML 珍禽贵妃鸡与三黄鸡肌肉品质比较研究
Comparative study of muscle quality in Princess chicken and SanHuang chicken
中文关键词: 贵妃鸡  三黄鸡  肌肉品质
英文关键词: Princess chicken  SanHuang chicken  muscle quality
王凯,杨青春,谢卓明,刘艳芬 广东海洋大学农学院广东湛江524088 
摘要点击次数: 1960
全文下载次数: 924
      采集相同条件下饲养的贵妃鸡、三黄鸡的同侧胸肌、腿肌,分别测定并比较其肉质感官品质、常规化学组分和肌肉组织学指标,为贵妃鸡肉品质评价、育种及品种推广工作提供参考。结果显示,贵妃鸡的肌肉贮存损失、胸肌剪切力和肉色显著低于三黄鸡;贵妃鸡肌肉熟肉率、pH 值、肌纤维密度、粗蛋白、粗脂肪和粗灰分含量均高于三黄鸡,而腿肌和胸肌的肌纤维直径、水分含量、腹脂率和皮下脂厚均低于三黄鸡,但差异不显著。总体上比较,贵妃鸡的肉品质优于三黄鸡,但肉色在今后的改良中应该重点突破。
      The present experiment was conducted to compare the differences of muscle quality in Princess chicken and SanHuang chicken and to provide a reference for muscle evaluating, breeding and variety extending of Princess Chicken. The homolateral breast muscle and leg muscle were collected from the experimental chicken for muscle quality testing. Sensory meat qualities, brief chemical constituents and muscle histology characteristics of two varieties were collected for comparative analysis. The result showed that the storageloss, shear force and incarnadine of Princess chicken muscle was significantly lower than those of SanHuang chicken. Princess chicken had a relatively higher cooking percentage, pH value, muscle fiber density, crude protein, crude fat, crude ash content and a relatively lower fiber diameter, moisture content, abdominal fat rate and the thickness of subcutaneous fat than those of SanHuang chicken.Being compared in the mass, the muscle quality of Princess chicken was better than that of SanHuang chicken, but incarnadine should be focused on breakthrough in the future.
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