许二梅.新世纪初农村子弟高等教育入学机会的探讨[J].广东农业科学,2013,40(13):233-236 |
新世纪初农村子弟高等教育入学机会的探讨 |
Investigation on opportunities of higher education for rural children in the beginning of the century |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 高等教育 入学机会 农村子弟 |
英文关键词: higher education opportunities rural children |
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摘要点击次数: 1265 |
全文下载次数: 405 |
中文摘要: |
教育向来是底层阶层通往上层阶层最可靠的途径。但各种现象表明,在对教育这一有限资源的争夺中,位于社会底层的广大农民子弟处于劣势,出现了农村子弟在高等教育入学机会上与城市孩子不均等的现象。造成农村子弟高等教育机会不均等的原因是多方面的,有家庭背景的缘故,也有农村教育的原因及高考政策的影响。需要从改革高考招生政策,调整农村教育财政制度,提高农村教育水平,完善农村文化设施等方面来改善,以促进教育公平。 |
英文摘要: |
Education has always been a most reliable way for those from a bottom class to a upper class. Nowadays, the rural children have less opportunities to higher education than the urban children, which indicates that the rural children are under disadvantages in the competition for higher education resources with the urban children. The reasons for that are from poor family background, as while as the relatively lower educational level and college entrance examination policy deficiency. In this thesis, the author put forward some measures to make education more equitable, including reform of the college entrance examination policy, adjustment of the rural education financial system, perfection of rural cultural facilities, etc. |
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