查看全文    HTML 广东省2012年早造中迟熟常规水稻品种区域试验
Regional trial of middle and late ripe groud of conventional early rice varieties of Guangdong province in 2012
中文关键词: 中迟熟组  常规水稻  品种  区域试验
英文关键词: middle and late ripe group  conventional rice  variety  regional trial
赵华,郑晨,周继勇,司徒志谋,胡学应 1.广东省农业技术推广总站广东广州5105202.广东省种子管理总站广东广州510500 
摘要点击次数: 1355
全文下载次数: 475
      In 2012 the middle and late ripe group of conventional early rice varieties' regional trial in Guangdong province, 11 new varieties were reviewed from a comprehensive evaluation of the yield, quality, disease resistance and agron-omic traits, etc. According to the test results, 4 kinds of Varieties such as Gufengzhan, Huahang33, Chantezhan and Jin -glisimiao,were outstanding on overall performance, proposed to arrange the reexamination and production test in 2013; Five varieties such as Yuebiao No. 1, Huangsiruanzhan, Sanyixiangzhan, Shanqingzhan and Zhongguangsimiao, whose hi-gh yielding was poor or bad, the quality did not meet the quality grade,recommended termination tests; Zhonghangsimi-ao due to its high susceptibility to rice blast, was not recommend the Guangdong Province cropping and recommended termination test; Combined with the regional trial results in 2011 Huangguangyouzhan was identified outstanding on ov-erall performance, recommended variety approval.
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