查看全文    HTML 非洲菊‘大臣’花托离体培养的研究
Study on tissue culture of capitulum of Gerbera Dachen
中文关键词: 非洲菊  离体培养  花托
英文关键词: Gerbera  tissue culture  capitulum
毕晓颖,程超,魏秀娟,张晓冬 沈阳农业大学园艺学院,辽宁沈阳110866 
摘要点击次数: 1398
全文下载次数: 521
      以非洲菊品种“大臣”花托为外植体,研究了不同消毒时间、花托大小以及激素种类对外植体不定芽分化、增殖及生根的影响。结果表明:用0.1%升汞浸泡8~10 min对“大臣”花托有良好的消毒效果;花托大小以直径1.0 cm以下最佳,褐化及死亡率最低,仅为3.1%;以1/2 MS+6-BA10.0 mg/L+IAA0.1 mg/L为培养基,不定芽再生率最高,为17.4%。最适增殖培养基为MS+KT5.0 mg/L+IAA0.5 mg/L,增殖数为4~5;最适生根培养基为1/2 MS+IAA0.2~0.5 mg/L或1/2 MS+IBA0.05~0.5 mg/L或1/2 MS+NAA0.01~0.02 mg/L,生根率均达100%。
      The effect of sterilization time, size of capitulum and different phytohormone on differentiation of adventitious buds,multiplication and rooting, with torus as the explant was studied. The results showed that 0.1 percent of corrosive sublimate made a good effect on the “dachen”capitulumn for 8~10 minutes long. When the size of capitulum is under 1.0 cm, the browning and death rate is lower which is 3.1 percent. The best inducing-medium of adventitious buds was 1/2 MS + 6-BA 10.0 mg/L +IAA 0.1 mg/L, which made the highest percent-17.4 percent-of inducing rate. The best proliferating-medium of adventitious buds was MS+KT5.0 mg/L +IAA0.5mg/L with 4~5 multiple. The best rooting medium was obtained with 1/2MS+IAA 0.2~0.5mg/L, or 1/2MS+IBA 0.05~0.5 mg/L, or 1/2MS+NAA 0.01~0.02 mg/L, both the rooting frequency and survival rate were high to 100%.
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