查看全文    HTML 椰子废弃物干法厌氧发酵工艺研究
Research on dry anaerobic fermentation technology of coconut waste
中文关键词: 椰子废弃物  干法厌氧发酵  沼气曰  产气量
英文关键词: coconut wastes  dry anaerobic fermentation  biogas  production
仇倩倩,梁栋,张喜瑞 海南大学机电工程学院海南海口570228 
摘要点击次数: 1392
全文下载次数: 589
      为解决椰子加工剩余废弃物资源的浪费与环境污染问题,进行了椰子废弃物干法厌氧发酵工艺的研究。每个试验组加入300 g椰子废弃物,发酵温度均为室温。前3组接种量分别为20%、30%、40%,第4组接种量为30%,发酵前用6%NaOH 对椰子废弃物进行浸泡处理。试验结果表明,发酵原料中接种物含量越高袁,沼气产气量越大,且接种量为30%~40%为椰子废弃物干法厌氧发酵的最佳接种量范围。椰子废弃物经过化学预处理后,发酵启动速度加快,发酵周期缩短,沼气产量得到提高。因此,椰子干法厌氧发酵工艺的研究对解决椰子废弃物资源浪费及对环境污染等问题具有重大意义。
      In order to solve the problem that coconut processing resources were wasted and environmental pollution caused by coconut wastes,this paper studied dry anaerobic fermentation technology of coconut waste. Each experimental group was put 300 g coconut wastes in and all fermentation temperature were in room temperature. The first three groups' inoculation quantities were 20%, 30% and 40%. The last group's inoculation quantity was 30%,and the coconut wastes were immersed in 6%NaOH before fermentation.The experimental results indicated that the more the inoculation quantity,the more the biogas production. The optimal range of inoculation quantity was 30% to 40%. Disposing of 6%NaOH could quicken the coconut wastes' starting speed and shorten the fermentation period, through this disposing,biogas production would increase. So research on dry anaerobic fermentation technology of coconut waste has great significance for coconut waste resources and environmental pollution.
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