查看全文    HTML 外来物种琵琶鼠鱼与土著物种黄颡鱼混养的利弊研究
Study on advantages and disadvantages between alien species Pterygoplichthys multiradiatus and indigenous species Pelteobagrus fulvidraco Richardson
中文关键词: 外来物种  琵琶鼠鱼  黄颡鱼曰  种内竞争  互相影响
英文关键词: alien species  Pterygoplichthys multiradiatus  Pelteobagrus fulvidraco Richardson  interspecific competition  interaction
任源浩,李朝晖,蔡垚,江海涛,喻等婉,章万古,虞蔚岩 南京晓庄学院应用生态研究所江苏南京211171 
摘要点击次数: 1607
全文下载次数: 574
      The alien fish species Pterygoplichthys multiradiatus and local fish species Pelteobagrus fulvidraco Richardson were polycultured in order to test the interaction of alien and local species and to accumulate the data of intentional introduction species in China.The fishes were raised in laboratory and weighed to reveal the situation of growth and interspecific competition. Statistics software was used to analyze the measure results. The results showed that, the adaptability to new environment of local fish P. fulvidraco was better than that of alien fish P. multiradiatus; the growth of P. fulvidraco had no correlation with the quantity of P. multiradiatus, nevertheless, had a negative correlation with the density of itself, resulting from the intraspecific competition; different from early supposition, the existence of P.multiradiatus had no obvious influence on the growth of P. fulvidraco, moreover, considering the positive growth trend in later experiment period, we could not remove the probability that the competition ability of P. multiradiatus would increase after adapt to local environment.
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