潘兰兵,张依裕,林家栋,李万贵,李思.樱桃谷鸭DRD1基因CDS 区域多态与生长性状的关联性分析[J].广东农业科学,2013,40(15):155-157
查看全文    HTML 樱桃谷鸭DRD1基因CDS 区域多态与生长性状的关联性分析
Associations of polymorphisms from DRD1 Gene CDS region with growth traits in Cherry Valley duck
中文关键词: 樱桃谷鸭  DRD1  CDS  SSCP  SNPs
英文关键词: Cherry Valley duck  DRD1  CDS  SSCP  SNPs
潘兰兵,张依裕,林家栋,李万贵,李思 贵州大学动物科学学院/高原山地动物遗传育种与繁殖省部共建教育部重点实验室贵州贵阳550025 
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      采用PCR-SSCP法与DNA直接测序技术相结合,对90只樱桃谷鸭DRD1基因编码区572~980 bp区域的多态性进行检测,并分析其多态与生长性状的关联性。结果表明,在樱桃谷鸭DRD1基因编码区572~980 bp区域内检测到6种基因型AA、BB、CC、AB、AC和BC,3个等位基因A、B和C,基因型CC和等位基因C分别为优势基因型和优势等位基因,频率分别为0.5222和0.6667,多态信息含量为0.4489,属中度多态位点,基因型分布偏离了Hardy-Weinberg平衡(P<0.01),序列比对发现2个沉默突变A765T和A912G。最小二乘法分析显示,AB基因型的胫长显著高于BB和BC基因型,AB基因型的胫围显著高于BC基因型,其余各性状各基因型间差异未达到显著水平。研究结果揭示,该多态座位可能是鸭的胫长和胫围的一个标记辅助选择位点。
      PCR-SSCP and DNA direct sequencing technology were used in this study to identify the polymorphisms of CDS 572~980 bp region of DRD1 gene in 90 Cherry Valley duck individuals, the association between SNPs and production traits were also performed subsequently. Results showed that two SNPs of A765T and A912G were found in the region and 3 alleles named A, B and C that resulted in 6 kinds of genotypes included AA, BB, CC, AB, AC and BC respectively were confirmed in this study. The CC genetype and allele C with frequencies of 0.5222 and 0.6667 were predominant genotype and predominant allele respectively. Chi-square test demonstrated that the genotypes distribution of SNP locus in the population deviated significantly from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P<0.01) and the gene showed intermediate polymorphism information. Least square analysis showed that shank length of AB genotype individuals were significantly higher than BB, BC genotype. Moreover, individuals with AB genotype had higher shank circumference than those with BC genotypes. But the others did not reach significant level. This work could lay the experimental foundation for the marker-assisted selection of cherry valley duck.
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