陈雪梅,刘吉平,田学智.近50 年别拉洪河流域湿地时空格局变化研究[J].广东农业科学,2013,40(15):168-171
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Bielahong river basin wetlands study on spatial and temporal variation in recent 50 years
中文关键词: 别拉洪河流域  湿地变化  驱动力  GIS  状态转移矩阵  景观指数
英文关键词: Bielahong river  wetland changes  driving force  GIS  state transition matrix  landscape indexes
陈雪梅,刘吉平,田学智 吉林师范大学旅游与地理科学学院吉林四平136000 
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      在GIS技术和数学模型支持下,研究近50年别拉洪河流域湿地时空变化的特征与规律。结果表明,近50年研究区湿地面积呈逐渐下降趋势。湿地的丧失,从流域下游开始并不断延伸至中、上游地区,景观破碎化严重。以1955-1976年丧失最为显著,大面积湿地逐渐丧失,斑块数量增多,景观格局呈破碎化现象,随即景观离散程度和空间异质性有所上升;1976年之后湿地面积下降的速度明显减缓,湿地面积向面积较小,破碎化和离散程度较大的景观格局转化,从以湿地为基地景观转变为以非湿地景观为主导景观,湿地损失严重;2005年湿地丧失率达到最大值,除在三江自然保护区内有大片湿地分布外,其他地区仅有零星分布。湿地面积丧失是自然和人为两种因素共同作用的结果。相关分析表明各驱动力因素对湿地面积损失的影响程度由大到小依次是:耕地 面积、人口、相对湿度、年平均气温。因此近50年别拉洪河流域湿地变化的主导因子是人文因素。
      Based on the GIS software and Mathematical model, Study aims at the characteristics and laws of Bielahong River basin's time and space has changed in recent 50 years. The results show that Bielahong River basin area was decreasing gradually in the past 50 years, from downstream to the middle and upstream areas, landscape fragmentation serious. Especially in 1955 1976 years, Large area of wetlands were decreasing but the small area was increasing, Landscape pattern presented fragmentation phenomenon, then landscape's dispersion and space difference was increasing; The speed of wetland area decreased slowly since 1976, Large area of wetland changed gradually to smaller、the fragmentation and discrete greater landscape pattern transformed, wetland-based landscape change to non-wetland landscape, wetlands was decreased seriously; loosing rate of wetlands reaches a maximum by 2005,except some large area wetland in Sanjiang natural protection zone,Other areas only sporadic distribution., the study shows that the number and quality of wetland in the area showed a declined changing trend in decreasing, it was caused by two factors: natural and human activities. Correlation analysis showed the impact of primary driving on the loss of wetland area in descending order: Arable land, population, relative humidity, annual average temperature. so the main factor results Bielahong wetland has changed in recent 50 years is Humanities.
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