查看全文    HTML 一季中晚稻旱直播田化学除草研究
Studying on chemical control technology of the weeds of the dry direct-seeded rice of single-middle-late season
中文关键词: 一季中晚稻  旱直播田  化学除草
英文关键词: single-middle-late season  dry direct-seeded rice  chemical control technology of the weeds
刘怀珍,李康活,黄庆,陆秀明,张彬,李惠芬,邹积祥,周少川 广东省农业科学院水稻研究所/广东省水稻育种新技术重点实验室广东广州510640 
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      2012年在惠州会达菜场以除草剂(直播净、秧歌和丁草胺)为主处理、施用方法(土壤处理、幼苗处理和综合处理)为副处理进行了一季中晚稻旱直播田化学除草研究。结果表明:在土壤湿润的条件下,播种后当天或第2 d每667 m2用80 g直播净(主要成分为36%丙草胺+4%苄嘧磺隆)兑水50 kg 喷施或用200 g秧歌(23.9%丁草胺+1.1%苄嘧磺隆)混细砂15 kg 撒施, 可有效控制一季中晚稻旱直播田的草害。
      In this paper the field experimentation was conducted during in 2012 in Huida Farm, Huizhou County, Guangdong Province. The main treatment is herbicide (Pretilachlor + Bensulfuron-methyl, Yangguo and Butachlor), the sub-treatment is application method (soil treatments,seedling treatment and integrated treatment). Results of investigation showed that under the soil moist conditions two methods can significantly controlled weed when were applied at 1 or 2 days after the seeding. one which 80 g of 36% Pretilachlor+4% Bensulfuron-methyl deluted to 50 kg of water was sprayed on the leaves of the weed per 667 m2; another which 200 g of 23.9% Butachlor +1.1% Bensulfuron-methyl mixed with 15 kg of sandy soil were applied on the pad per 667 m2.
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