查看全文    HTML 平远稀土尾矿区植被恢复研究
Investigation on vegetation restoration in Pingyuan rare earth tailing
中文关键词: 稀土尾矿  植被  恢复  马尾松
英文关键词: rare earth tailing  vegetation  restoration  Pinus massoniana
杨期和,林勤裕,赖万年,杨和生,况伟 嘉应学院生命科学学院广东梅州514015 
摘要点击次数: 1442
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      根据闲置时间和人为干扰的程度,将粤东平远稀土尾矿区分为3个亚区:玉区,闲置约10年,迄今未采取任何人为措施进行修复;域区,闲置约10 年,当地居民采用厩肥对土壤进行改良;芋区,闲置时间25~30 年,15 年前开始种植香根草和马尾松进行人工恢复。对其上植被进行调查发现,玉区的盖度5%~8%,且物种数只有3种,生活型仅草本1种;域区盖度约57%~68%,植物种数为25,生活型有草本、亚灌木和灌木3种,域区又可分成不同的草本植物群落;芋区盖度最大、为86%,植物种数为12,生活型有草本和乔木两种。尾矿土壤中添加厩肥后,土壤肥力和含水量提高,较适合于植物定居,其多样性显著增加。马尾松、香根草等禾本科植物和芒萁、蜈蚣草、乌毛蕨等蕨类植物对尾矿土壤有较强的适应性,在粤东稀土尾矿区早期建立马尾松、豆类植物、香根草等禾本科植物和芒萁等蕨类植物的群落是加快其植被恢复的有效措施。
      According to idle time and the degree of human disturbance, the rare earth tailing in Pingyuan, eastern Guangdong was divided into 3 regions: Ⅰarea, was idle for 10 years, no artificial measures to repair had been carried out until now; Ⅱarea, was idle for 10 years, local residents had used manure for soil improvement; Ⅲarea, idle time was 25~30 years, Vetiveria zizanioides and pinus massoniana were planted to restore the vegetation 15 years ago. The vegetation investigation on these areas was shown that the coverage was below 8%, there were only 3 species, 1 kind of life form (herb) in Ⅰarea; the coverage was about 57%~68%, there were 25 plant species, 3 kinds of life form (herb, shrub and bush) and could be divided into different herbaceous plant communities in Ⅱarea; the coverage was 86%, there was 12 plant species, 2 kinds of life form (herb and shrub) in Ⅲarea. Adding manure in the soil of tailing could improve soil fertility and water content, and made the soil be more suitable for the plant to settle down and increase the diversity significantly. P. massoniana, legumes, and ferns such as Pteris vittata, Blechnum orientale had the strong adaptability to the tailing soil, it was effective measures for accelerating the vegetation restoration in the rare earth mining area to establish the community of P. massoniana, legume plants and ferns in Eastern Guangdong province.
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