查看全文    HTML 顺德裸露石质边坡复绿植物多样性及群落演替分析
Analysis on revegetation plant diversity and community succession in rock slope of Shunde
中文关键词: 植被恢复  植物群落  岩质边坡
英文关键词: vegetation restoration  plant communities  rocky slope
陈平,梁建华,韩瑞宏,郭微,韩佳泳,吕文龙,吴晓和,邓沛飞 1.仲恺农业工程学院园艺园林学院广东广州5102252.广东省建筑科学研究院广东广州510500 
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      采用乔灌草配置模式(复层群落结构为乔木+小乔木+灌木+矮灌木+草本)对广东省顺德区大良街道大睡牛岗和大富山两座滑坡山体石质坡面进行复绿,复绿(1.5~2.0 年)后,调查两座滑坡山体石质边坡复绿植物的种类组成、群落特征(复层群落结构、群落数量特征、多样性指数)和周边原生植被对岩质边坡复绿植被的影响,研究两座滑坡山体石质边坡复绿效果。结果表明,两座复绿边坡15 个样方共112 个物种(草本31 种、灌木33 种,乔木48 种),分属45 科96 属,其中87种为人工栽植的乔灌草;复绿边坡中的常绿木本:落叶木本为4.3:1;丰富度指数(R0)、Simposon 指数(D)、Shanna-Wiener(H忆)、Pielou(E)指数为乔木›灌木›草本。大睡牛岗岩质边坡植物种类丰富,群落数量特征、多样化指数、复层植物群落结构和邻近原生植被对复绿边坡的边缘效应影响均优于大富山。
      Two rocky landslides of Da Shuiniugang mountain and Dafu mountain in Daliang street of Shunde district in Guangdong province were revegetated based on the allocation pattern of arbor, shruband herb layer, the multiple community structure were tree, small tree, shrub, low shrub and herb. After 1.5~2.0 years later, the plant species and community characteristic (multiple community structure,communitynumerical characteristic, diversity index) of revegetation plants were investigated and the influence of thenearbyoriginal vegetation on the revegetation plants were studied in order to know the reclamation effect. The results showed that, there were 112 species in 15 plots including 31 types ofherbs, 33 types of shrubsand and 48 types of trees in these 2 mountains, and the 112 species were found to belong to 96 genera of 45 families, among the 112 species, 87 species of them were revegetated. The ratio of evergreen tree to deciduous tree was 4.3:1. The richness index (R0), Simpson index (D), Shanna-Wiener (H忆) and Pielou index (E) of plants in these 2 mountains were gauged as arbor>shrub>herb. Compared to Dafu mountain, the species of plants were abundant in the rocky slopes of Da Shuiniugang mountain. The community numerical characteristic, diversity index, multiple community structure and the marginal effect of nearbyoriginal vegetation on the rocky slopes of Da Shuiniugang mountain were superior to those of Dafu mountain.
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