查看全文    HTML GIS在造林规划设计信息系统建设中的应用
Application of GIS in afforestation plan and design information systemconstruction
中文关键词: 造林规划设计  GIS  数据库设计
英文关键词: afforestation plan and design  GIS  database design
毕坤,史明昌,刘文博,朱沛林 1.北京林业大学林学院北京1000832.方正国际软件(北京)有限公司北京100080 
摘要点击次数: 1432
全文下载次数: 528
      以张家口市造林规划设计信息系统建设为例,在充分调研造林规划设计的业务流程和用户实际需求的基础上,建立数据标准体系并合理进行数据库设计,实现信息资源高度共享,采用GIS、RS、空间分析技术,全面辅助造林规划设计和造林工程管理,开发建设了基于C/S 模式的造林规划设计信息系统。造林规划设计信息系统实现了对造林规划设计信息数据的有效管理维护,对造林规划进行合理制定,造林设计科学化、可视化,造林工程的动态监理和项目验收。
      The forest coverage in China has increased rapidly according to the 7th National Forestry Inventory (NFI). However, the quality of forest is still low, for example 34% of forestry area is plantation whose mortality rate after regeneration is high, standing volume is at low level relatively and stand structure tends to be monoculture. It reveals that there would be some problems at afforestation plan and design and the operation of afforestation projects. The study is carried out to develop an Afforestation Plan and Design Information System. The system in C/S structure is developed by GIS, RS, and spatial analysis technologies, after researches on the operation process of afforestation plan and design, standard form of data and database design, which is for information resources sharing. By taking the system construction in Zhangjiakou as the research case, this paper introduces the system functions design, system framework, database structure, logical and physical design of database. With the foundation of GIS platform, geographic data storage, afforestation plan and design, afforestation projects management and 2D/3D displaying come true.
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