查看全文    HTML VA菌根真菌对苹果幼苗生长发育的影响
Effects of VA fungi on the growth of apple seedling
中文关键词: VA 真菌  苹果幼苗  生长发育  生理指标
英文关键词: VA fungi  apple seedling  growth and production  physiological indicator
王志莉,刘辉,薛元霞,张忠兰,张志芬,杨守军,彭广霖 中国农业大学烟台研究院,山东烟台264670 
摘要点击次数: 1447
全文下载次数: 598
      以1年生的红富士(Malus pumila Mill)树苗为试材,移栽过程中在根系附近添加50、100、150 mL 不同剂量的VA 真菌菌剂来研究VA 真菌对苹果幼苗生长发育的影响遥结果表明院与对照相比,VA 真菌的添加明显提高了真菌在根系中的定植率袁显著改善了苹果幼苗叶片的营养状况,促进了叶片氮尧磷尧钾含量和株高的增加,VA真菌的定植提高了叶片CAT 和SOD 的活性,降低了叶片MDA 的含量,增强了苹果幼苗的抗病性,菌根化的苹果幼苗成活率明显提高,其中100 mL 及150 mL处理的成活率均达到100%。综合分析认为袁每株苹果幼苗添加150 mL 的VA 真菌菌剂有利于苹果幼苗的生长发育,降低了其死亡率。
      The study was conducted to investigate the effects of VA fungi on seedling growth of one-year-old apple trees (Maluspumila Mill) rhizosphere soil. 50, 100 and 150 mL VA fungi agent were applied into surroundings of root system when apple trees weretransplanted, respectively. The results showed that VA fungi significantly enhanced the colonization rate of fungi in the root, increased plant height and improved seedling’s nutritional status compared to the control. Compared the seedling with no application of VA inoculum, VA fungi strengthened the disease resistance of seedling, such as increased the activities of CAT and SOD, decreased MDA content. Due to the reinforcement of VA fungi, the survival rates of 50 mL and 150 mL treatments were both increased to 100%. It is proposed that 150 mL agent of VA fungi per tree was the best choice for the growth and survival rate of apple seedlings.
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