查看全文    HTML 广州市室内植物种类及应用状况调查
Species and application status of indoor ornamental plants in Guangzhou
中文关键词: 室内植物  广州市  种类  应用研究
英文关键词: indoor plant  Guangzhou  species  application research
余倩霞,莫楚欣,徐志强,庄雪影 1.华南农业大学生命科学学院广东广州5106422.华南农业大学林学院广东广州510642 
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      采用踏查和抽样调查法对广州市的商场、酒店、医院及写字楼等公共场所室内观赏植物的种类和应用情况进行了调 研。结果表明:在广州市大型商场、酒店、医院和办公大楼常用的室内植物共77 种(含变种和品种),隶属62 属33 科,60%为观叶植物,25%为观花植物,13%为观形植物,2%为观果植物。广州的室内观赏植物以天南星科和龙舌兰科的观叶植物最为丰富,但多为外来植物,以草本植物最丰富,其次为灌木类和乔木类,蕨类植物和藤蔓类种类较少;应用频率较高的植物种类为绿萝(Epipremnum aureum)、富贵竹(Dracaena braunii)、也门铁(Dracaena arborea)、马拉巴栗(Pachira aquatica)、金钱树(Zamioculcas zamiifolia)、红掌(Anthurium andraeanum)、金心也门铁(D. arborea ’Victoria’)、心叶蔓绿绒(Philodendron scandens)、巴西铁(D.fragrans)、散尾葵(Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)。广州市室内植物以土培或基质栽培方式为主,水养花卉日渐流行,基于以上调查结果袁分析了广州市室内植物的应用现状,提出了要加强乡土室内观赏植物开发与研究的建议。
      Species and applications of indoor plants in commercial departments, hotels, hospitals and office buildings in Guangzhou were investigated. A total 77 species and cultivars of 33 families and 62 genera were recorded, of which 60% were foliage plants, 25% were flower plants, 13% were form plants, and 2% were fruit plants. The ornamental foliage species of Araceae and Agavaceae were more abundant, most of them were exotic. Herbs were the dominate composition, then shrubs and trees, while ferns and vines only accounted for a little proportion. The most frequently common species were Epipremnum aureum, Dracaena braunii, Dracaena arborea, Pachira aquatica, Zamioculcas zamiifolia, Anthurium andraeanum, D. arborea ’Victoria’, Philodendron scandens, D. fragrans, Chrysalidocarpus lutescens. The indoor plants were usually cultivated by soil-media containers, but the pot hydroponic cultures were becoming more and more popular in the recent years. Based on the above study, the application status of indoor plants in Guangzhou was analyzed. It was suggested to enhance the study on native ornamental shade-tolerant plants of South China.
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