刘方,蔡奕琪,胡就成,陈志强.H7N9 禽流感疫情对东莞家禽经营环节公共卫生安全的影响及思考[J].广东农业科学,2013,40(17):110-112
查看全文    HTML H7N9 禽流感疫情对东莞家禽经营环节公共卫生安全的影响及思考
Thinking and infection on public health safety of H7N9 influenza epidemic to in poultry market management link in Dongguan
中文关键词: H7N9 禽流感  家禽  经营环节  公共卫生安全
英文关键词: H7N9 influenza  poultry  market management link  public health safety
刘方,蔡奕琪,胡就成,陈志强 1. 东莞市开心动物诊疗连锁机构高埗瑞祥诊所广东东莞5232872. 东莞市动物疫病预防控制中心广东东莞5230003.东莞市动物卫生监督所高埗分所广东东莞5232874. 东莞市动物卫生监督所南城分所广东东莞523270 
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      从2013 年4 月份东莞市检出H7N9 禽流感病毒感染阳性样品,造成家禽产业巨大经济损失的事件中,引发对东莞家禽经营环节公共卫生安全的思考。对东莞市东城、常平和凤岗三大家禽批发市场和各镇街的农贸市场、超市家禽经营商铺的家禽销售和屠宰情况进行调查,分析当前东莞市家禽经营环节公共卫生安全存在的问题与风险,提出从8个方面加强家禽经营环节动物防疫监督和采取科学的应对措施,以保障公共卫生安全和家禽产业健康持续的发展及社会稳定。
      Results Positive of H7N9 was detected in Dongguan in March 2013, it caused the financial meltdown of poultry, so thinking on public health safety of H7N9 influenza epidemic to in market management link. We make investigations into slaughtering and selling in poultry wholesale market of DongCheng, ChangPing and FengGan, farm produce fair and supermarket in all towns in Dongguan, the existence problems and risk of poultry market management link in Dongguan was analyzed, eight proposals on supervise and specific measures in poultry market management link were maked for public health safety, the national development of poultry and social stability.
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