查看全文    HTML 惠州红树林保护区红树植物群落结构特征
Community structure characteristics of mangrove communities in Huizhou mangrove reserves
中文关键词: 惠州  红树植物  群落结构
英文关键词: Huizhou  mangrove plants  community structure
姚少慧,孙妮,苗莉,于红兵 1.中国科学院南海海洋研究所广东广州5103012.中国科学院南海海洋研究所/中国科学院边缘海地质重点实验室广东广州510301 
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      2013年1月,对惠州市惠东红树林市级自然保护区进行了系统全面的群落调查,共布设7条调查断面,21 个100 m2调查样方。对红树林样地内的红树植物进行测量,记录红树种类、胸径、株高、密度尧、树型组成比例等指标,并进行重要性以及多样性等常规的群落分析,判定该地区植被的生长特征并研究其演替动态变化。调查数据表明,该区域的红树林具有内侧往外侧发展演替的趋势,同时该区域的红树林具有从陆缘往海缘发展演替的趋势。该红树林区域总体以白骨壤(Aricennia marina)与无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)为优势种,桐花树(Aegileras corniculaturn)、老鼠簕(Acanthus ilicifolius)以及秋茄(Kenaelia candel)也有一定分布优势,另外有卤蕨(Acrostichum aureum)以及海漆(Excoecaria agallocha)的零星分布。该区域的红树林群落主要由白骨壤+桐花树群落、白骨壤+无瓣海桑+老鼠簕群落以及无瓣海桑群落3种群落构成。该区域的红树林群落中,本土树种与外来树种具有自己原有的优势群落,在长期的群落发展中有各自向对方群落区域发展的趋势,最终形成本地物种-外来物种共同生长的群落。
      We conducted systemic and comprehensive community survey of city-level mangrove natural reserves in January of 2013 in Huidong County of Huizhou City. 7 investigation sections and 21 investigation quadrat of 100 square meters were laid out. The mangrove plants in quadrat were measured and the indexes including type, diameter, plant height, density, composition of tree shape were recorded. The routine community analysis including importance and diversity was carried out. The growth characteristics of plants in this area were determinated and the succession dynamic change was researched. The investigation data showed that the mangrove in this area tended to develop and evolve from inside to outside and from continental margin to oceanic margin. Aricennia marina and Sonneratia apetala were the dominant species. Aegileras corniculaturn, Acanthus ilicifolius and Kenaelia candel were widely distributed. Acrostichum aureum and Excoecaria agallocha were fragmentarily distributed. The mangrove community in this area was mainly made up of 3 types of community, which were community of A. marina and A.scorniculatum, community of A.marina, Pagatpat and Acanthus, community of Pagatpat. The native and foreign tree species in this mangrove community have respectively original dominant community, and both of them tend to grow toward the opposite community area in the long-term community development, eventually firm the community where local species and foreign species grow together.
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