查看全文    HTML 饶河干流浮游动物时空分布特征及水质综合评价
Space-time distribution characteristics of zooplankton and water quality assessment for Raohe river
中文关键词: 饶河  浮游动物  生物多样性  水质评价
英文关键词: Raohe river  zooplankton  biological diversity  water quality assessment
张洁,潜小兰,张力薇,计勇 1.南昌工程学院水利与生态工程学院江西南昌3300992.靖安县水务局江西靖安3306003.南昌大学鄱阳湖环境与资源利用教育部重点实验室江西南昌330029 
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      在饶河干流设置17 个断面监测点对该流域浮游动物的时空分布进行调查与分析,并利用Margalef 多样性指数与Shannon-Weaver 生物多样性指标对水质进行综合评价。结果表明:饶河干流浮游动物有4 类50 种,种类最多的是轮虫,共10 科15 属31 种,占62%;枝角类的种类较少,为5科6 属7种,占14%;桡足类6 科7 属7 种,占14%;原生动物种类较为匮乏,为4 科4属5种,占10%。时间分布上,浮游动物丰度丰水期大于枯水期,密度变动范围为54~405 ind/L。结合浮游动物丰度与水质指标进行相关分析,结果表明,浮游动物的分布情况与水体水质特征关系密切相关,经分析饶河干流水质综合评价为中度污染至较重污染状态。
      Seventeen monitoring sections were set up in main stream of Raohe river to investigate and analyze the temporal and spatial distribution of zooplankton. Using Margalef diversity index and Shannon-Weaver biodiversity index evaluated the water quality.The results showed that there were 54 species of zooplankton in the main stream of Raohe river. The rotifers (31 species) were the predominate , which account for 62% ; the cladocerans, copepods and zooplankton protozoa species accounted for 14%, 14%, 10% respectively. The least was the zooplankton protozoa , which was only 5 species. Temporal distribution of zooplankton abundance on had season was greater than dry season, the density range was 54~405 ind/L. Combined with the zooplankton abundance and water quality index correlation analysis, results showed that the distribution of zooplankton closely and associated with water characteristics, and the water in Raohe river was to seriously polluted.
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