查看全文    HTML 滚筒梳剪式荔枝采摘机齿形板的力学仿真分析
Mechanics simulation analysis of rotary drum combing type litchi picker爷s tooth profile plate
中文关键词: 荔枝采摘机  齿形板  结构优化  力学仿真分析
英文关键词: litchi picker  tooth profile plate  structure optimization  mechanics simulation analysis
赵磊,姜焰鸣,陆华忠,吕恩利,李君 华南农业大学工程学院/国家荔枝龙眼产业技术体系综合实验室广东广州510642 
摘要点击次数: 1356
全文下载次数: 631
      为了提高荔枝采摘效率,减轻劳动强度,降低生产成本,研发了一种滚筒梳剪式荔枝采摘机。根据荔枝果实尺寸和枝条物理特性,对采摘机的关键部件齿形板的结构进行了优化。基于ANSYS有限元分析平台对齿形板在剪切过程中刚度和应力变化进行仿真分析,结果表明:齿形板总位移由面板末端到齿顶逐渐增大,在齿顶附近达到最大值2.324 mm;齿形板齿面区域为低应力区且应力分布较均匀,安全系数为4.23;齿形板下端面螺栓连接处的附近等效应力最大,约为436.84 MPa。仿真数据验证了齿形板结构设计的可靠性,并为其局部结构的进一步优化提供了依据。
      In order to improve the efficiency of litchi picking, reduce the working intensity and production cost, a kind of rotary drum combing type litchi picker was presented. As the key component of the litchi picker, the structure of the tooth profile plate was optimized according to the size of litchi fruit and the physical property of litchi branch. The change of stiffness and stress during the course of shearing was simulated in ANSYS finite element analysis platform. The results indicated that the total deformation of the tooth profile plate gradually increasing from the end of the panel to the area near the tooth top, reaching the maximum 2.324 mm; that the tooth surface area was a low stress zone and the distribution is uniform, with a safety factor 4.23; that the area near the bolt connection in the lower end face had the maximum equivalent stress about 436.84 MPa. The simulation data justified the reliability of the tooth profile plate, which provided a basis for the further optimization of its partial structure.
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