查看全文    HTML 栽培模式及采收时期对北豆根产量和质量的影响
Effect of cultivation mode and harvest time on yield and quality of Rhizoma menispermi
中文关键词: 北豆根  搭架  掐蔓  采收期
英文关键词: Rhizoma menispermi  humping support  pinching  harvest time
张舒娜,魏云洁,王志清,闫梅霞,李亚丽,孔祥义 中国农业科学院特产研究所吉林长春130112 
摘要点击次数: 1313
全文下载次数: 609
      In order to improve the yield and quality of Rhizoma menispermi, effects of different cultivation mode (humping support,pinching and natural growth) and harvest time on the growth,yield and quality of R.Menispermi were studied by trait investigation and acidbase titration. The result showed that the humping support significantly increased the yield and promoted growth, increased the yield by51.88%, and promoted the growth of root diameter, leaf width, leaf length, stem diameter significantly. The content of whole alkaloid in humping support cultivation mode didn't significantly increased, but was higher than in pinching and natural growth cultivation mode. In the investigated harvest time,the discount rate and content of whole alkaloid in 4 years old R. Menispermi insignificantly increased than in 2,3 years old. The discount rate and content of whole alkaloid slowly increased during the harvest time.There was no significantly difference from early october to frozen.The result indicated that the humping support was an effective way to increase the yield and improve the quality of R.Menispermi, and the optimum harvest time was from early october to frozen.
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