查看全文    HTML 库仑滴定法快速测定砷溶液胁迫下大蒜、花生不同组织的砷吸收量
Rapid determination of arsenic uptake from garlic, peanut different tissue under arsenic solution stress by Coulomb Titrimetric Method
中文关键词: 微波消解  库仑滴定法  大蒜  花生  砷胁迫
英文关键词: microwave digestion  coulomb titrimetric method  garlic  peanut  arsenic solution stress
高向阳,游新侠,余艳 1.郑州科技学院食品科学与工程学院河南郑州4500642.河南农业大学食品科学技术学院河南郑州450002 
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      为了解砷溶液胁迫下大蒜和花生不同组织对砷吸收的特性和规律,并建立一种快速测定农产品中砷的方法,利用微波程序消解技术快速处理样品,将消解液中的As5+转化为As3+后,依据法拉第电解定律,用阳极电生的I3-进行测定,根据消耗的电量直接计算样品中砷的质量分数。结果表明:各样品自外皮至内对砷均有吸收,大蒜的平均吸收量为7.363~6.281 mg/kg,花生的平均吸收量为7.191~1.083 mg/kg,该方法重现性好,简单快速,适于农产品中元素砷的快速分析。对大蒜粉进行平行测定,相对标准偏差RSD为3.2%[n=12],回收率为98.80%~102. 80%。
      In order to understand the rules and characteristics of arsenic uptake from garlic, peanut different tissue under arsenic solution stress, and to establish a rapid determination method of arsenic in agricultural products, microwave digestion procedure was used to process samples rapidly, As5+ was changed into As3+ in the digestion solution. According to Faraday's law of electrolysis, anode electric I3-was determined, the mass fraction of arsenic in sample was calculated according to the power consumption directly. The results showed that:the samples from surface to inside. All tissue absorbs arsenic, the average absorption of garlic was 7.363~6.281 mg/kg, the average absorption of peanut was 7.191~1.083 mg/kg. This method was reproducible, simple, fast, and suitable for rapid analysis of elements arsenic in agricultural product . Garlic powder parallel was determined 12 times and its RSD was 3.2%(n=12), the recovery rate was 98.80%~102.80%.
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