查看全文    HTML 基于Android系统的林业有害生物防治系统设计
Forestry disease and insect control system design based on Android system
中文关键词: Android  林业  有害生物  防治系统
英文关键词: Android  forestry  disease and insect  control system
陈万钧,张维玲,钟建华,温常青,吴建福 1.江西环境工程职业学院通讯与信息学院江西赣州3410002.南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院江苏南京210037 
摘要点击次数: 1090
全文下载次数: 629
      At present the traditional way of forest disease and insect control has been unable to meet the needs of rapid forest industry development, the use of mobile Internet technology can develop a disease and insect control system for local forestry workers, which can effectively achieve insect control, real-time information exchange . It is conductive to epidemic management and insect control. In this paper, a system architecture based on mobile Internet technology was designed, MVC model for client application design was adopt and artificial intelligence to design expert system was used. The system tested ran well, operation resulted with high accuracy. Forest disease and insect control system based on 3G technology and Android platform has characters such as easy to operate, wide popularize,little space limitations, it can provide convenient services as technical advice, insect and disease diagnosis, disease control and so on.
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