程明,李明亮,陈振环,鲍洪杰.农业机械化对我国粮食产量影响的实证研究[J].广东农业科学,2013,40(18):198-201 |
农业机械化对我国粮食产量影响的实证研究 |
Empirical study on the effect between agricultural mechanization and grain yield in China |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 农业机械化 粮食产量 协整检验 格兰杰检验 |
英文关键词: agricultural mechanization grain yield co-integration test Granger causality test |
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摘要点击次数: 1395 |
全文下载次数: 791 |
中文摘要: |
针对我国农业机械化水平与粮食产量导向机制问题,运用Granger因果检验对1990-2011年农业机械化与粮食产量数据进行因果关系验证。结果表明:我国粮食产量的增长对机械化的提升具有较强的长期促进作用,而农业机械化对粮食产量增长的长期促进作用并不明显。该结论对于优化我国农业机械化机制,提升我国粮食产量科学尧健康增长具有重要指导意义。最后,对构建我国农业现代化的建设提出建议。 |
英文摘要: |
Aiming at the problems of agricultural mechanization level and yield of grain orientation mechanism, this article used the Granger causality test for causality verification agricultural mechanization and grain yield data in 1990-2011. The results showed that, China's grain output growth for mechanization enhanced the long-term with a strong role in promoting agricultural mechanization of food production and the long-term growth promoting effect was not obvious. The conclusion showed important guiding significance for the optimization of agricultural mechanization mechanism to improve China's grain output scientific and healthy growth. Finally, suggestions for the construction of China's agricultural modernization were put forward. |
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