查看全文    HTML 基质和插穗类型对杉木扦插生根的影响
Effect of medium and cuttings type on rooting ability of cuttings of Chinese fir clone
中文关键词: 杉木  扦插  基质  插穗类型  生根能力
英文关键词: Cunninghamia lanceolata  cuttage  medium  cuttings type  rooting ability
杨家鸿,罗扬卓,苏治南,陈诗文,徐圆圆,杨梅 贺州市林业局贺州市八步区林业科学研究所广西大学林学院 
摘要点击次数: 1443
全文下载次数: 662
      以广西贺州市国家级优质杉木种子园优良母树半木质化枝条作为插穗材料袁采用完全随机试验设计及单因素试验设计袁对影响杉木优良无性系扦插生根能力的基质尧长度及扦插插穗进行研究遥结果表明院5 cm 插穗插在河沙中的保存率最高尧达100%曰9 cm 插穗插在河沙+珍珠岩渊1:1冤中的生根率最高尧达100%曰根系形态生长最好的插穗长度及基质分别是9 cm尧河沙+珍珠岩渊1:1冤曰根系活力最大的插穗长度及基质分别是7 cm尧河沙+珍珠岩渊1:1冤遥杉木茎段的保存率尧生根率均高于顶芽袁生根率为42.30%袁但顶芽的根系生长旺盛遥7~9 cm 的杉木插穗插在河沙+珍珠岩渊1:1冤的基质上最有利于生根袁可以提高杉木扦插苗的质量遥
      Using the completely random design and the single factor design, respectively, effects of media and cutting type on the rooting ability of Chinese fir cuttings were studied by the semi-lignified branches collected from superior trees in the seed orchard of Chinese fir in Hezhou. The results indicated that 5 cm cuttings in sand reached the highest survival rate with 100% while 9 cm cuttings were satisfied in the mixed medium of sand and perlite (1颐1) with 100% rooting rate and best morphologic characters. The root activity was the top in 7 cm cuttings and the mixed medium of sand and perlite (1颐1). The root of crown segments grew vigorously although its survival rate and rooting rate were lower than those of stem section. As a whole, 7~9 cm cuttings benefited the rooting in the mixed medium of sand and perlite (1颐1), which may enhance the cuttage reproduction quality of Chinese fir.
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