张军红,侯新.不同固定程度沙地油蒿比叶面积和叶N 含量的比较[J].广东农业科学,2013,40(23):39-42
查看全文    HTML 不同固定程度沙地油蒿比叶面积和叶N 含量的比较
Comparison of specific leaf area and N content in leaf of Artemisia ordosica under different stage of sand dunes
中文关键词: 油蒿  比叶面积  叶N含量  土壤水分  土壤理化性质
英文关键词: Artemisia ordosica  specific leaf area  N content in leaf  soil moisture  soil physicochemical property
张军红,侯新 重庆水利电力职业技术学院中国林业科学研究院 
摘要点击次数: 1481
全文下载次数: 558
      The differences of specific leaf area and N content in leaf of Artemisia ordosica under different stage of sand dunes were analyzed. Soil moisture, soil nutrient content, and mechanical composition under different stage of sand dunes were also analyzed at the same time. The results showed that leaf N of A. ordosica increased with the degree of sand fixation, however, no significant difference existed between fixed and semi-fixed sand dunes, which were significantly lower than in the shifting dunes; soil moisture got worse with the increase of sand fixation, while organic matter, total N, and fine sand in soil increased with the fixation stage increasing. The increasing leaf N content of A. ordosica with the fixation degree could make the plants in poor soil moisture get considerable efficiency of water using, as well as these with rich soil moisture, which meant A. ordosica in the same area could have different survival strategies because of environmental heterogeneity.
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