查看全文    HTML 宁盾一号菌剂不同处理方法对番茄生长的影响
Effects of different application methods of microbial preparation “Ningdun No.1”on tomato growth
中文关键词: 宁盾一号菌剂  浸种  浇灌  番茄
英文关键词: microbial preparation “Ningdun No.1”  soaking seeds,  drenching rhizosphere  tomato
王奎萍,周冬梅,刘苏闽,刘红霞,郭坚华 南京农业大学植物保护学院/江苏省生物源农药工程中心/农业部作物病虫害监测与防控重点开放实验室扬州市职业大学园林园艺学院 
摘要点击次数: 1774
全文下载次数: 709
      宁盾系列产品是南京农业大学研发,用于广谱性防治多种土传病害和地上部病害的微生物菌剂,其中宁盾一号产品专门用于茄果类蔬菜遥试验使用1:108CFU/mL和1:107 CFU/mL两个浓度的宁盾一号菌剂,分别通过浸种和浇灌两种方法处理番茄种子,并在移栽时一半的种苗使用1.0:106 CFU/mL宁盾一号菌剂灌根处理,测定不同生长阶段植株的生理指标,从而确定该菌剂田间高效的使用方法。研究表明,采用1:107CFU/mL浸种,移栽后1.0:106 CFU/mL灌根相结合的处理方法,促生作用最为显著。
      “Ningdun”series products developed by Nanjing Agricultural University are the microbial preparations which have the capacity of controlling widely a variety of soil borne diseases and aboveground diseases, among them the microbial preparation “Ningdun No.1”is dedicated to control solanaceous fruit vegetable specially. In this study, effects of Ningdun No.1 on a range of physiological indicators of plant growth including biomass, yield, chlorophyll content, tomato under field conditions were tested by a variety of inoculation methods. Three application methods including soaking seeds, drenching soil around seeds right after sowing, and drenching the rhizosphere of transplanted seedling with the aqueous solution (as a soil drench) and three concentrations of “Ningdun No.1”(1.0:106CFU/mL, 1.0:107 CFU/mL, and 1.0伊108 CFU/mL) were employed. The result showed that both soaking seeds with “Ningdun No.1”at 1.0:107 CFU/mL and drenching rhizosphere with “Ningdun No.1”at 1.0伊106 CFU/mL and 1.0:107 CFU/mL promoted growth, increased yield. The combination of these two inoculation methods led to significant increase of growth and fruityield. It was found that the most cost-effective way was the combination of soaking seeds with “Ningdun No.1”at 1.0:107 CFU/mL and drenching rhizosphere at 1.0伊106 CFU/mL, the method was also easy for Chinese farmers to implement.
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