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Value valuation of the natural grassland ecosystem service function in Guizhou province under the background of rocky desertification
中文关键词: 贵州  天然草地  生态系统  服务功能  价值评估  石漠化
英文关键词: Guizhou  natural grassland  ecosystem  service function  value evaluation  rocky desertification
池永宽,王元素,张锦华,董颖苹,周文龙,李莉,赵盼弟,张浩 贵州师范大学中国南方喀斯特研究院贵州省草原监理站贵州省畜牧兽医研究所贵州省山地资源研究所 
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      评估贵州省天然草地生态系统价值对合理开发利用和保护贵州天然草地,解决贵州的最大生态难题要石漠化,具有重要意义。参照谢高地等提出的生态价值评估方法和中国陆地生态系统生态服务价值当量因子表以及结合贵州天然草地(≥20 hm2)调查资料,对贵州省天然草地生态系统生态服务功能价值进行评估。结果表明:贵州省天然草地类型总的生态系统服务功能价值为50061万美元/年,其中山地丘陵草丛类的生态服务功能价值占到生态系统服务功能价值总量的42.42%,为21238万美元/年;山地丘陵灌木草丛类生态系统服务生态功能价值占总量的41.08%,为20567万美元/年;山地丘陵疏林类生态服务功能价值占到总量的14.98%,为7500万美元/年;山地草甸类的生态服务功能价值占总量的1.51%,为756万美元/年,山地丘陵草丛类和山地丘陵灌木草丛类两类占到生态服务价值占总量的83.50%,土壤形成与保护功能的生态服务价值所占比重最大、占27.19%,为13610万美元/年。
      The value evaluation of natural grassland ecosystem has vital significance on the reasonable development and protection of natural grassland in Guizhou, especially on the the biggest ecological problem---rocky desertification. This article makes an evaluation on the function values of natural grassland ecosystem service in Guizhou province, according to ecological value assessment methods proposed by XIE Gao-di, ecological services value equivalency factor table of Chinese terrestrial ecosystemandthesurveyonnatural grass (20hm2)inGuizhouProvince.Theresultsshow that thetotalvalueof ecological services function of natural grassland type in Guizhou is 5.0061×108 dollars per year. The function value of ecological service of hilly grassland accounts for 42.42%of the total value, with 2.1238×108 dollars per year; the function value of ecological service of hilly shrub grassland accounts for 41.08%of the total value, with 2.0567×108 dollars per year; the function value of ecological service of hilly woodland accounts for 14.98%, with 7.5伊107 dollars per year; the function value of ecological service of mountain meadow accounts for 1.51%, with 7.56伊106 dollars per year. Hilly grass and hilly shrub grassland accounts for 83.50%of the total value, and thevalueof ecological serviceofsoil formationandprotectionaccountsfor27.19%,about1.361伊108 peryear.
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