李姣清, 刘德良, 杨期和, 陈勇杰.煤矸石土壤修复中丛枝菌根的接种效应[J].广东农业科学,2013,40(24):55-58
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Inoculation effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the soil reconstruction of gangue
中文关键词: 丛枝菌根  煤矸石  生态修复  接种效应
英文关键词: arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi  gangue  ecological reconstruction  inoculation effect
李姣清, 刘德良, 杨期和, 陈勇杰 嘉应学院生命科学学院 
摘要点击次数: 1139
全文下载次数: 571
      针对煤矸石尾矿区生态修复过程中存在的主要问题,通过生物措施在自然状况下接种丛枝菌根真菌摩西球囊霉,研究其对煤矸石土壤修复的生态影响。结果表明,接种菌根8个月后,植株成活率均提高了30%以上,菌根在植株根际的侵染率均超过50%;土壤中重金属含量较对照有明显下降,尤其是不同植物土壤中Mn含量与对照相比分别降低49.83、24.73、44.45 mg/kg;铜和镉也有不同程度的下降,土壤中有机质和有效氮含量均明显提高,其中有机质和有效氮含量分别提高65.78%、84.08%。说明丛枝菌根在煤矸石山土壤修复中具有较好的生态接种效应。
      According to the main problems existing in ecological restoration of coal gangue tailings, the experiment by biological measures in the natural condition of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus Mose袁was studied on the ecological impact on the coal gangue soil remediation. The results showed that after inoculation of Glomus mosseae for eight month, it was significantly promoted the survival rate, which increased by more than 30%, mycorrhizal colonization in rhizosphere was more than 50%, content of heavy metals in soil decreased significantly compared with the control袁especially the Mn content of different plants in soil decreased by 49.83 mg/kg, 24.73 mg/kg, 44.45 mg/kg compared to control, and Copper and cadmium also had varying degrees of decline, but the organic matter and nitrogen content in soil were improved significantly. The organic matter and nitrogen top increased by 65.78%, 84.08%. The research indicates that, arbuscular mycorrhizal had good inoculation effect in the soil reconstruction by of the ecological mountain coal gangue.
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